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Late arrival Calais


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Go straight to Citi Europe. Park in the large car park opposite Carrefour supermarket. No height barrier and a sign for motorhome parking.


No problems with migrants. They are not looking to fall foul of the law, and are unlikely to hitch a ride as they have no idea which way you're heading. We do it everytime. Good nights sleep in the car park followed by a last minute shopping trip for wine etc in Carrefour in the morning before heading south.

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We stayed at Cite Europe outbound end of June, and again inbound early July. There were a few suspect individuals and small groups to be seen walking around, but also lots of police patrols, personally I can only say we had no problems and felt safe. Took our usual precautions of parking in the middle of the car park/Aire under the car park lights. We even saw two police officers patrolling around the Aire in the evening which was reassuring. Rightly or wrongly, I do not cover my bikes on the back of by van when going through Calais, working on the principle that any person wishing to hide, would not find an uncovered bike on the rack much of a hiding place, Plus I remove the bike seat, turn the handle bars 90 degree's and reverse the pedals to face into the frame, and I use multiple locks as a deterrent to theft. I will be travelling to France again early September, and provided the situation does not change, I will use Cite Europe again.



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Steve H - 2015-07-22 9:08 PM



Go straight to Citi Europe. Park in the large car park opposite Carrefour supermarket. No height barrier and a sign for motorhome parking.


No problems with migrants. They are not looking to fall foul of the law, and are unlikely to hitch a ride as they have no idea which way you're heading. We do it everytime. Good nights sleep in the car park followed by a last minute shopping trip for wine etc in Carrefour in the morning before heading south.


If it hasn't happened to you it hasn't happened at all, eh? And because of that you will sleep soundly at Citi Europe and wander off in the morning (leaving your motorhome unattended?) just to buy a bottle of wine? And "they are not looking to fall foul of the law" you think - you must be joking! They don't want to get caught of course but they probably don't care all that much about getting caught because they will not be beaten or detained long. There are now estimated to be around 5,000 of them in Calais and their whole lives are currently being lived outside the law. Steer clear I say.

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I am sure the 1000s of daily shoppers do not agree with that comment. Of the numerous posting I have yet to read a report of the hordes of migrants roaming Cite and my own actual experience confirmed this. Things do change and possibly the officers in the police station adjacent to the parking area are now handing out coffee and cake. :-D
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Duncan MMM - 2015-07-17 11:53 PM


For repeated breaches of forum rules, insulting another forum member on this thread, and after numerous warnings, user JudgeMental has been banned. Please be civil in your dealings with your fellow motorhomers.



I am really sorry this has happened and will miss the posts from the Judge, hope he returns some day.

good luck Eddie


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Guest Joe90
I think you'll find that currently the French police are handing out coffee and cake to the striking ex workers of MyFerry, and helping them with setting up burning tyre barricades on the A16. ;-)
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