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Blue Badge Parking in Europe

Don Madge

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The Blue Badge is recognised in all European countries. When you display it on the dashboard, it allows you to make use of the same parking concessions that the country you are in allows its own citizens with disability. The concessions differ from country to country, however. So it is important to know where, when and for how long you can park. And as important, when and where you can’t park. The downloadable leaflet explains the concessions for each individual country http://www.aatrust.com/files/advice/blue_badge_abroad.pdf Safe travelling Don
Don, you must have a crystal ball !!! I am a card holder and have been thinking about european concessions for my future travels. I have now read the information on the website you kindly provided and am fully enlightened, my printer is busily churning out a hard copy. I thank you for your wisdom. John 8-)
You now have the information John, and all thats needed now is a B.B parking bay thats not already occupied by more able bodied drivers. Lets hope that the rules re. disabled parking are better enforced on the Continent than here in the U.K. Howard.
Howard, you have touched on a topic that myself, yourself and probably quite a few others on this forum could bitch about for hours, and it is likely that all our encounters would be similar. Suffice to say, "I know where you are coming from." John 8-)
[QUOTE]howardtcz - 2006-10-29 11:48 AM You now have the information John, and all thats needed now is a B.B parking bay thats not already occupied by more able bodied drivers. Lets hope that the rules re. disabled parking are better enforced on the Continent than here in the U.K. Howard.[/QUOTE] Howard, After a post on the M List I will have to amend the info. The Blue Badge Scheme does not apply in the City of London, the City of Westminster, the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and part of the London Borough of Camden. Details http://tinyurl.com/ylbywu From my personal experience on the continent people do not abuse the system like the UK. In France they have a saying " Take my parking place take my disability" We have two BB bays in our village and they are abused daily. I've even seen a driving instructor parked in one. Don


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