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Newbie in Morocco


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We have elected to visit Morocco for the first time and will travel as part of an escorted tour. 

I have heard conflicting advice about what foodstuff (and I include wine and beer) you are allowed to take in with you for your own consumption. I realise that Morocco is a Muslim country and so alcohol might be a problem.

I know for a fact that at some South African border crossings the list of 'prohibited' items my be expanded to include what the local border guard fancy for supper from your fridge and freezer!

When visiting other countries we usually take a very full fridge and freezer and a sufficiency of wine and beer.

What experience have other members had when touring Morocco?

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When we went to Morocco we just filled our fridge with everything we could, our drinks cupboard was full with spirits and wine and beer [ Whiskey is good for trade in Morocco] took pens and pencils and stuff to give to Children of whom there are many , We had no problems anywhere and our van was never checked, we went alone not with a tour , we did meet up with DESERT DETOURS whilst on our travels, they were herded around like sheep, each to their own.
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We visited Morocco 5 years ago and alcohol was readily available at the chain of Marjan supermarkets. Things may have changed so it's best to get advice from your tour operator for latest information.


We went with Desert Detours and went to places we would never have found on our own. So, yes, it's good to go on an organised tour, at least for your first visit, IMO.


The quality of the water can be a bit iffey. We took some water purification tablets and dropped these into the fresh water tank. Some had fitted water filters in the cold water plumbing.


When the Tour has finished you can always go off on your own or with others on the Tour and visit other places before returning to Spain.


Enjoy your trip - it is a fascinating country.

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Thank you to everybody who responded.

We are not travelling with Desert Detours as Camping and Caravanning Club are now using Dutch escorts from ACSI organisation.

So far we are very impressed with the detailed and comprehensive information provided, which bodes well for a successful trip.

Eric and Shazza's experience is very conciliatory lesson and I hope that the breakdown insurance we have purchased for Morocco will offer appropriate assistance should we be sold 'dodgy' diesel!

Notwithstanding a few negative comments I hope we will have a truly exciting time and intend to fill the van with wine and beer and hope that the customs men don't notice!  


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Rp272. I would ask your tour company what you need, if anything, in the way of food etc. We took far too much food as we were guided to markets, restaurants and had provided meals. Shopping was in any case cheap and plentiful. I hate the taste of purification tablets but bottled water was so cheap we used them exclusively.


The last time we went all of the Marjan supermarkets had closed their alcohol/wine departments. Not a real problem as agian we were pre-tour advised and took enough with us from Spain. DD seemed to have a “arrangement” at entre customs as none of our tour group vehicles were inspected.


We have now been to Morocco 3 times with Desert Detours on different tour routes and are going again with them in November. Morocco is a fantastic destination, geographically diverse and overwhelmingly friendly culturally. As Pampam said we went to places we would not have found ourselves or ventured solo such as DD’s sponsored school, the prison location, forest camp etc.


Have a great time.




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If you had booked direct with Desert Detours you would have saved yourself a lot of cash.

As for being herded around, certainly not when we went. You have your briefing meeting each morning with the route etc and you are free to to go at your own speed and stop off if you want then meet up late pm, if you have not arrived at the designated site by what is considered a reasonable time, they will come looking for you.

Everyone I know who has been with Desert Detours has had a brilliant time.

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Take lots of carrots, you can dice them and when the kids start chasing (and throwing stones) you throw a handful out of the window, they think they are "bonbons" and leave you alone whilst they scramble to find them.


I won't go again, to much hassle and pushy sellers, everyone wants your Euros, and will try and rip you off.



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Nice one hallii. While they scramble around looking for the non-existence bonbon’s and get run over by the following vehicles. And you wonder why [i doubt it] they throw stones?


Best stay in Europe where nobody “will try and rip you off.”


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Clamper - 2015-07-22 10:26 AM


Nice one hallii. While they scramble around looking for the non-existence bonbon’s and get run over by the following vehicles. And you wonder why [i doubt it] they throw stones?



Yes..I was thinking along the same lines :-S (..but I wasn't sure if H was actually joking or not?)...


Maybe instead of buying "lots of carrots", going to the trouble of dicing them, before throwing them into the dirt , comparatively well off, holidaying MHers, could buy some real "bonbons" for these less fortunate children?.... :-S

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