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Hijacking in Spain.


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I've just been reading a thread about dash cams and came across a,mention of hijacking around Barcelona.


We're travelling down to the Costa del Sol,later in the year and wondered if the remark is a joke or is it likely to be a problem.





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B&MK - 2015-07-30 2:23 PM


I've just been reading a thread about dash cams and came across a,mention of hijacking around Barcelona.


We're travelling down to the Costa del Sol,later in the year and wondered if the remark is a joke or is it likely to be a problem.








Not heard of anyone being hijacked in Spain ( or anywhere else ).


Where did you read it - was it on this forum ?



There have been stories about ' distraction robberies ' in Spain - where drivers are waved down by someone pretending there is a problem with their van - when they get out to have a look someone else nips in to nick what they can.


General advice is not to stop in those circumstances.



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You will come across a lot of scare mongering regarding the Barcelona area, just keep your wits about you, keep all valuables out of sight. If you have to get out of the cab make sure that one of you stays inside even if you have to go to a supermarket. We have been travelling in and around Spain for some years and haven't had a problem although we averted a set up with a guy who attempted to distract us with a faulty tyre valve scam on a services car park. I was on to him straight away and he cleared off.
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We got caught by this even though we knew the scam. We were in a car at the time and had come out of the services, a man approached with a map asking for directions and I said "no" because I knew the trick. Another man came along and they jostled me either side and I thought they were going to steal my bag. Meanwhile a third man nipped in the other side and stole a bag containing my husbands passport, cards, wallet, driving licence etc. Be careful between Barcelona and Valencia. The Spanish police had all their paperwork in English which shows how often it happens.


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I've read of and seen distraction crimes in Spain, and not just near Barcelona, but never involving a motorhome, always a hire car, I've travelled for years in Spain and never had a problem, I think I'd be a lot more careful if I was in a hire car though!
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One of our contributors was caught by a distraction robber, so it can happen, and it does seem that the AP-7 southbound, roughly from Barcelona to Valencia, is particularly prone.


It is likely to happen at times of the year when largish numbers of people are on holiday transit, so during the summer holidays, and again as the snowbirds begin to gather.


If anyone gets out of the van to buy fuel, it is wise to lock the doors. If anyone tries to persuade you to stop, and you are confident the van is running properly, ignore. If unsure and you do stop, lock the door behind you if you get out.


Someone is liable to try to get you round to the passenger's side of the van while another opens the driver's door and grabs whatever they can reach. The car driver will usually stay in the car with the engine running. The car is liable to be reversed back close to your van while the others are out, and as soon as the snatch has been made both will dive back into their car and away, while you are still wondering why they suddenly disappeared. There are clips of film of such raids on the web, for example here: http://tinyurl.com/ngw26rn It is not a daily occurrence, but definitely worth being aware of, or avoiding by taking a different road.

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If we use the A7/AP7 around the Barcelona area I ensure I have plenty of diesel and I don’t stop 50 miles north or south of Barcelona.

These days however we tend to use different routes to and from south-east Spain.

Cattwg :-D


Just remembered, I posted this thread about six years ago.


“We have just returned from a great France/Spain trip.

However on the way south we had a nasty experience. Driving through Barcelona on a Sunday afternoon we were stopped at traffic lights. When they changed we found that the wall of one of our rear tyres had been stabbed. The culprits were two people? on a scooter who had been with us in the traffic for several minutes.

A Spaniard standing on the pavement saw the incident and pointing to our number plate said "Tourista" and made a stabbing action and an apologetic face.

No attempt was made to rob us - not wishing to be robbed you understand but at least it would have made some sense.

I did not report it as that would only involve more hassle and would have no effect.

So I changed the wheel - learnt how to say "I need a new tyre" and "not expensive" in Spanish and continued with the holiday.

Absolutely determined that the incident would not spoil our holiday - and it didn't!

I'm posting this to make others aware that Barcelona is still 'bandit country' for we motorhomers.

Pity really because we have visited Barcelona in the past and it's a lovely city”.


This incident happened in Barcelona not on the motorway.


Cattwg :-D

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Evening all,


I know some one who was hijacked near Madrid and two years later they were still shaken by it. I also met someone else whom had had an attempted hijack experience.

Myself and mrs goldi was travelling down south of barca when the traffic was stopped by the police and they then opened fire on a passing motorist or gangster. Whilst me and mrs goldi like live dangerously this was far far in excess of anything I had seen before, indeed I had never seen a gun fired before except on telly. Needless to say we had to calm our nerves with Spanish plonk when we got to site.



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When we are travelling, we always keep everything like Passports, Cards, jewelry, money, tablet. documents etc etc in the safe and only have enough cash for the day and 1 card if we intend to fill up on our person. My wife never has her handbag in the cab area. The only thing we have on show is the satnav which is also a dash cam and our phones. If we do get out of the van at services etc we always take these out with u.

Luckily we have not had any problems so far but we do try to be observant on pulling in somewhere.

As said earlier-if you are filling up etc always leave 1 person in the van and ALWAYS lock and alarm it if going in to pay etc.

Use common sense, there is as much crime in Europe as there is in the UK-just because it's sunny doesn't mean it's safe!

Have a good trip and enjoy yourselves.


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I have been subjected to an attempted car jacking on the non toll section of the A7 around Barcelona. Basically the assailants pull up behind you and throw something at the back of your van. The noise make you think something is wrong and they pull alongside you signalling there is something wrong in an attempt to get you to stop. Don't. Also there are reports of robberies at fuel stations although I have no experience of such crime. If possible I avoid buying fuel anywhere near Barcelona.


On the outskirts of Barcelona I now pull in front of a lorry and travel at the same speed so anyone cannot get in between us. The problem is not anything to be concerned about as long as you don't stop. I have travelled on this route about 20 times over the last 10 years or so and the problem with these bad guys has only occurred on one occasion.



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goldi - 2015-07-30 7:22 PM


Evening all,


I know some one who was hijacked near Madrid and two years later they were still shaken by it. I also met someone else whom had had an attempted hijack experience.

Myself and mrs goldi was travelling down south of barca when the traffic was stopped by the police and they then opened fire on a passing motorist or gangster. Whilst me and mrs goldi like live dangerously this was far far in excess of anything I had seen before, indeed I had never seen a gun fired before except on telly. Needless to say we had to calm our nerves with Spanish plonk when we got to site.



When you say they were 'hijacked' what EXACTLY do you mean by it?

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Mel B - 2015-07-30 9:55 PM


goldi - 2015-07-30 7:22 PM


Evening all,


I know some one who was hijacked near Madrid and two years later they were still shaken by it. I also met someone else whom had had an attempted hijack experience.

Myself and mrs goldi was travelling down south of barca when the traffic was stopped by the police and they then opened fire on a passing motorist or gangster. Whilst me and mrs goldi like live dangerously this was far far in excess of anything I had seen before, indeed I had never seen a gun fired before except on telly. Needless to say we had to calm our nerves with Spanish plonk when we got to site.



When you say they were 'hijacked' what EXACTLY do you mean by it?





The dictionary definition of a hi-jack is " the forceful seizure of a vehicle ( or aircraft )"


I've never heard of that happening to anyone in a motorhome.


What most victims describe are robberies.



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If you are travelling in Spain this is a great website set up by the Guardia Civil Trafico to help motorists ... this link tells you how to spot unmarked police cars and in particular the rough ones. Having just travelled down the N340 from Reus South we passed 4 speed trap cars like the ones in the video ..so I think you are more likely to be caught speeding than encounter the distraction robbers.These guy tend to drive older BMWs and pull over with you ,thats a sign to get the hell out of there.Seriously though these situations are rare and shouldnt put you off coming to Spain.




Brian K



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Recently, driving on dual carriageway south of Barcelona (I keep well away from the AP7), I noticed in my rear-view mirror a beat-up Citroen behind containing 2 swarthy looking oafs.


They stayed there for several kilometres, if I speeded up or slowed down they were still there. I smelt a rat as normally Spanish drivers can't wait to get past.


I noticed a retail park ahead & signalled to turn right, & as expected, they followed.


I pulled up in the road alongside a Lidl store, the Citroen passed me & went behind the shop. I waited a couple of minutes & followed.


As I drove round the other side of the store, the 2 oiks were getting out of the car, as I slowed up they seemed surprised to see me. I gave them a hard stare & made to snap them with my phone.


As expected, that was the last I saw of them. Also, one more reason I'm glad to have windows in the back doors.

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The OP obviously meant distraction robbery rather than hijacking.


I am among those unfortunate enough to experience it four years ago so events are still fresh, and still hurt. It was my first (and last!) trip into Spain intending to spend the winter there and was completely unaware of the reputation regards AP-7 around Barcelona. I lost everything....Passport, driving licence, cash, and bank cards.


The Police were staggeringly blase and i had quite a battle to get a Crime Report sheet from them. The only one Spanish person who did help me out was a Toll booth operator.


Yes i made mistakes and yes there will always be the cocky ones who will tell you, "never happens to me....it's your fault" etc etc, but take note of the posters who were aware....yet still got done over. It happens so quickly you won't realise whats happened....until they've gone.


Best thing is 'belt 'n braces'. If you use that road, tank up with fuel at the start and stop for NOBODY. DO NOT get out of your van. If you don't have a dash cam, keep a camera handy and if stopped by any vehicle, photograph it and make sure they see you doing so......robbers don't like being photographed.


Toll booth sections can prove a problem as stopping the vehicle is unavoidable and those who rob are so blatant they will attack in broad daylight (mine occurred just after noon) and the trick they use at Toll booths in queued traffic is to start a slow puncture in one of your tyres. Unless you've seen it being done, the first you will know is a few miles further up the road when the tyre goes down......and a car pulls in with youths only too willing to "help".


My experience left me so embittered and angry, particularly at the way the Police behaved, i vowed never to return to Spain.


Back in the UK i lost count of the number of folk whose first words to me were, "i bet they were East Europeans".


Wrong.....they were French!!


Virtually all my touring is in Eastern Europe so i know if struggling on the language with a local the only language they will ask if you speak is German. None speak French and i've yet to meet an East European who does.


Good luck with your trip but personally i prefer to take my money to countries where i'm always welcomed and treated well by both locals and also the authorities.

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The previous cxontributor wrote:


"The OP obviously meant distraction robbery rather than hijacking".


Car jackings are in effect distraction robberies. When you stop you are distracted leaving the accomplices free to rob your possessions while another remains in their car with engine running for a quick getaway.

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malc d - 2015-08-01 3:55 PM


As I understand it, car jacking is the theft of a car using violence or intimidation against the driver.


A number of examples can be seen by Googling ' car-jacking '


The original post was about hijacking on the road and I was responding to the poster who said the thread was about distraction robberies. The main point is that holding up cars and distraction robberies are broadly the same thing.


This article below which is about car jacking seems to confirm highway robberies and car jackers are the same thing although I'm not one to split hairs. Call it what you like but car jacking seems an appropriate term to me.









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As I said in my previous post..... If they pull over with you then you are the target for a distraction job....if you wait till the next service area and they follow you in then you are a target ....Normal motorist would just indicate or point to the problem and continue on there way having alerted you.

If you do pull over just sit tight and lock your doors and get a camera ready that should put them off ...As said earlier they are unbelievably brazen and convincingly pushy in these encounters. As rare as they are.


Brian K

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B&MK - 2015-07-30 2:23 PM


I've just been reading a thread about dash cams and came across a,mention of hijacking around Barcelona.


We're travelling down to the Costa del Sol,later in the year and wondered if the remark is a joke or is it likely to be a problem.







If you're going directly to the CDS, you won't need to go anywhere near Barcelona.

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Just a technicality. Robbery is where force or fear of violence is used/offered in order to steal. These guys pretend to be knights of the road in telling you of a problem and as soon as you stop they steal from the van. The offence they commit in the UK is THEFT, not robbery not hijacking not car jacking. The very word robbery puts an amount of fear in peoples heads so lets be clear and call it what it is - Theft.

Does not make any victim feel better but helps to keep the act in perspective. Really it is a very brazen approach to the art of stealing which so far has not offered violence to the victim and long may that last.

cheers, Art

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About 4 years ago I had my wallet stolen by a pickpocket while waiting for a bus opposite the cathedral in Barcelona. Partly my fault as I had not replaced my wallet into my shoulder bag but placed it in the pocket of my shorts. It cost me €500 to learn the lesson of being more diligent. While on that same trip the rental car company in Barcelona had supplied a note warning of the induced puncture scam so it does go on. That is the only incident in 4 holidays in Spain. Most large cities all around the world can be dangerous for travellers.
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