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NHS a warning to the elderly


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Mrs 'Will' has been involved with the medical system for several years.


She like many has been locked into their computerised way of dealing with problems. The biggest problem with machines is they do not think, they only feed statistical information.


At one stage after an illness she became locked into the "You are due for a blood test syndrome". This went on and on and on. I complained bitterly that to take samples only aided the system not the individual. Her diet of pills varied accordingly (but for what I asked).


Mrs 'Will' believes her doctor is God and can cure all ills. I say no, all he does is sell medication. He will NEVER advise only sell.


For 2 years she has suffered pain in the arm, (the blood extracting arm) I always complain and say its not right to keep puncturing the artery.


The pain now has to be treated with pain killers. (She still believes the Doctor over me)


Yesterday she was told that the pain in incurable and there's nothing he can do. She was distraught that her God had failed her.


If you are of a certain age beware of systematically computerised blood tests. They may cause you more problems that the original complaint. That's is a well known fact.

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I forgot to say that the artery wall is now so damaged with scar tissue that its impeding the blood flow hence the pain. It also makes more blood samples even more difficult to extract.


A multitude of inner tube repairs comes to mind, patches on patches on patches.


I never did believe in a God.


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I very much doubt that they will be carrying out periodic blood tests just for the fun of it....they will obviously monitoring something.


..and by the tone of your post(and your previous posts on this topic), along with such lines as: "..She still believes the Doctor over me.." , it sounds as though you're just miffed that she's taking the Doctor's advice over yours.


..and when did your NHS GP last "sell" you medication?....they would've been free to you & "Mrs Will" for the last 20-25+years, would they not...? :-S



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True, they were monitoring her, but every fortnight is rather odd me thinks. The computer even sent her 'missed appointments' notes when she had attended on the correct day and time, the system is set-up that a reply is sent for adjustments to the warfarin intake. Many times this did not arrive and ... she didn't suddenly have a fit when there was no new figure to follow.


Re the Doctor over me, I look at the body as a plumber would look at a mansion. A Doctor can only go by what he is told and chemical tests. I've known her for 68 years and know how she ticks. She will take medicine sooner than understand that an adjustment in diet will achieve the same result.


The GP would never say go home and eat *** every day that will soon cure you. His duty is to prescribe (sell) something that will do the same thing.


Bare in mind that the pharmaceutical industry is a multi £million organisation. Its fact that most of the off-the-shelf AND prescribed aids do almost nothing to improve our quality of life.


"Its in the mind" as my granddaughter said today after returning home from her duties as a Sister in Haywards Heath. Sussex. A&E dept. She's young but she's learning fast about life.


And me ? I'm my own Doctor and arrange my own medication by eating what I know will benefit me. Having now arrived at this wonderful age I must be doing something right as I'm never ill. I do however have the odd Hernia repair, Stent fitted and today I've just arranged the second Carpel Tunnel surgery date, the previous one was 4 months ago. So I'm now looking forward to when I can return to full time active employment and not have to suffer sleepless night from the pain. There is no mileage in being idle. This am I was up at 5.30 and am off up the wooden hill shortly by 6.30 pm ... 7pm


Thanks for listening. Will 85 85 85 nearly 86


PS I do aim to live to 120 so perhaps therein lies my secret

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Guest pelmetman
Will85 - 2015-07-31 6:06 PM


Thanks for listening. Will 85 85 85 nearly 86


PS I do aim to live to 120 so perhaps therein lies my secret


I hope in nigh on 30 odd years I'll be as punchy as you are now Will B-) ...........


Although I suspect as a rubbish plumber I'll beat you to the grave 8-) ................



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Guest Joe90

Both mine and my missus avoid doctors and the health service like the plague. ;-)


Everyone we know that has had issues always end up worse than they were to begin with once they are in their clutches :'(

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Guest pelmetman
Joe90 - 2015-07-31 10:04 PM


Both mine and my missus avoid doctors and the health service like the plague. ;-)


Everyone we know that has had issues always end up worse than they were to begin with once they are in their clutches :'(


You have a point there Joe ;-) ............I'm running out of bits the NHS can remove and still remain living 8-) .............The only thing I've got left is my foreskin :-S .................



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Guest pelmetman
Robinhood - 2015-07-31 10:25 PM


pelmetman - 2015-07-31 10:14 PM


.............The only thing I've got left is my foreskin :-S .................



....which he keeps in a jar on the mantelpiece.... ;-)



Not yet 8-) .............But I have a jar :-| ...........


I wanted to keep my kidney stones as a present for the Mrs.......but they were confiscated on health and safety reasons ? :-S ...........



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My granddaughter called, the A&E one who says my theory cannot happen ... and its a vein not an artery !


All I know is that to keep puncturing an inner tube every few weeks for years does it no good at all ... so what's the difference ... a repair is a repair.



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Guest Joe90

I thought three score years and ten was the ball park figure before we shuffled off


anything after that being a bonus,


still Cilla managed three score years and twelve, so she got another two. :-(

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Will85 - 2015-07-31 6:06 PM


True, they were monitoring her, but every fortnight is rather odd me thinks. The computer even sent her 'missed appointments' notes when she had attended on the correct day and time, the system is set-up that a reply is sent for adjustments to the warfarin intake. Many times this did not arrive and ... she didn't suddenly have a fit when there was no new figure to follow.


Re the Doctor over me, I look at the body as a plumber would look at a mansion. A Doctor can only go by what he is told and chemical tests. I've known her for 68 years and know how she ticks. She will take medicine sooner than understand that an adjustment in diet will achieve the same result.


The GP would never say go home and eat *** every day that will soon cure you. His duty is to prescribe (sell) something that will do the same thing.


Bare in mind that the pharmaceutical industry is a multi £million organisation. Its fact that most of the off-the-shelf AND prescribed aids do almost nothing to improve our quality of life.


"Its in the mind" as my granddaughter said today after returning home from her duties as a Sister in Haywards Heath. Sussex. A&E dept. She's young but she's learning fast about life.


And me ? I'm my own Doctor and arrange my own medication by eating what I know will benefit me. Having now arrived at this wonderful age I must be doing something right as I'm never ill. I do however have the odd Hernia repair, Stent fitted and today I've just arranged the second Carpel Tunnel surgery date, the previous one was 4 months ago. So I'm now looking forward to when I can return to full time active employment and not have to suffer sleepless night from the pain. There is no mileage in being idle. This am I was up at 5.30 and am off up the wooden hill shortly by 6.30 pm ... 7pm


Thanks for listening. Will 85 85 85 nearly 86





Wafarin is a very dangerous treatment if your wife suddenly had blood passing into her stomach or heaven forbid into her lungs because they didn't monitor her blood you would no doubt be the first to complain I sympathise with your wife's situation but given her need for medication it might be that her veins are generally in a poor condition. I'm just a young whipper snapper of 73 but have been a plumber and seen some pretty bad pipework in my time. The NHS does the best it can but everyone is different. John /QUOTE] :-S

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Joe90 - 2015-08-02 6:41 PM


I thought three score years and ten was the ball park figure before we shuffled off


anything after that being a bonus,


still Cilla managed three score years and twelve, so she got another two. :-(





Don't write yourself off too early Joe.


In 2012 the life expectancy in the U.K. for men was 79 and for women was 83.


( ... and it's rising all the time ).




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