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Cecil the Lion


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Any sympathy for that American dentist who bravely took on Cecil the Lion ?

Looking at his trophy pics he seems to have bravely killed many other animals that dared to take him on too

My thoughts are the death threats are a bit steep but everything else he deserves

I used to know a couple of lads that went out buying the right to kill , disgraceful

Never quite 'got it' how shooting a defenseless animal from a safe position made these folk somehow feel superior , more manly , tough or whatever .... Probably bullied at school and feel it's something of a biggie to be able to shoot straight

Maybe make him run around a field with targets on his backside to shoot might be some kind of pay back

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Guest pelmetman

Apparently he's now in hiding *-) ..............Sounds like Karma does Irony too :D ............



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Guest Joe90

It would be interesting to know the pro fox hunting lobby view.


Personally I'd give him a couple of hundred yards, then shoot him with a bow and arrow, and watch him crawl off to die.............slowly.

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Joe90 - 2015-07-31 1:57 PM


It would be interesting to know the pro fox hunting lobby view.


Personally I'd give him a couple of hundred yards, then shoot him with a bow and arrow, and watch him crawl off to die.............slowly.


Back in the day most of my buddies enjoyed 'hunting' ... Never did it for me and especially after one of the lads let his dogs rip apart a cat in the name of fun

Seeing a smug yank with his pearly white teeth boasting on camera of his kill is quite sickening ... Sickening too that folk in this day and age feel the need to go on holiday and buy to kill , freaks

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Joe90 - 2015-07-31 1:57 PM


It would be interesting to know the pro fox hunting lobby view.


Personally I'd give him a couple of hundred yards, then shoot him with a bow and arrow, and watch him crawl off to die.............slowly.


Back in the day most of my buddies enjoyed 'hunting' ... Never did it for me and especially after one of the lads let his dogs rip apart a cat in the name of fun

Seeing a smug yank with his pearly white teeth boasting on camera of his kill is quite sickening ... Sickening too that folk in this day and age feel the need to go on holiday and buy to kill , freaks

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This whole press driven public outrage needs putting into perspective.  OK so a 'famous' lion has been killed for 'sport'.  Did anyone upset/outraged/incensed etc by it ever hear or know of this undoubtedly lovely regal animal before the current outrage over his demise?  I doubt it very much.  Similarly those jumping on the press bandwagon have obviously never heard of the ' Arab tourists' who pay tens, sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars for the 'sport' of massacring elephants and other wildlife in Africa with AK47 assault rifles.  They frequently leave wounded animals which the 'guides' have to finish off to pursue other game.  

The name of the game is money money money and in corrupt Africa money talks and delivers power.  

So yes it is deplorable that this lion has been killed but this public outrage needs directing at those who participate in this slaughter on a regular basis.........and that includes the corrupt officials who allow it to happen.  
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Guest Joe90

I think the dentist was a fairly regular punter. :-S


Perhaps he should get his kicks inflicting pain and suffering on his patients and charging them mega bucks for the privilege (!)


oh I cocked up there, he obliviously does, I've always wondered about dentists.

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It Cecil's death went some way towards halting the slaughter of semi wild animals by wealthy individuals who should know better whilst sheltering in a position of safety there might have been a plus side.


As it is nothing will change in Africa, Asia or North America except that a few more might be attracted by the publicity to partake in similar activities that they may have been unaware of until now.


Zimbabwe, amongst others, is a dysfunctional country where normal laws and rules do not apply and until the leadership changes neither will the country.


Such an ongoing and worsening tragedy for the people of Zimbabwe who once lived in a prosperous and relatively peaceful Southern Rhodesia. One has to wonder what has been achieved since 1965 and whether the country might have evolved peacefully in it's own time had not Ian Smith made the unilateral declaration of independence?

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Will85 - 2015-07-31 6:13 PM


I reckons he was a good archer if it really was a bow he used and not a ... hell I've forgotten the name ... a mechanical one ... its gone ...




All the while protected by a 4x4 and guards armed with rifles no doubt - a brave and fearless hunter - or what!

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