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I am thinking of investing in the iBoost system.


Does anyone know the difference between the iBoost Pro D8 Directional System (£159.99) and the iBoost Omni-Directional System (£199.99) - apart from the price and which one is better.

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I have he pro 8 version. I think the difference is that the omni 'sees' in all directions and presumably does not need to be aligned wih the wifi source aerial/

The pro 8 is more directional and for best results you point it in the direction of the wifi source aerial.

The former has apparently a trade off in that it has less gain.

From my experience I have had no problems with the Pro 8 and I rarely ensure it is pointed in the right direction. It does not seem to be critical if the site wifi aerial is not too distant. You can see the signal strengtht when set up by the lights on the back of the aerial and on the iboost page., so you can fiddle if you want but I have never bothered. On most occasions I even put it on a shelf inside the van and even on its side which I think is not recommended for best results.

So I can't really comment on the omni directional system.

I do connect multiple devices simultaneously. eg I pad X 2 and 2 mobile phones


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I have the iBoost D8 directional antenna with at least 5 or 6 years which I think is a previous model to the pro 8 and am verry happy with it .Great to pickup wifi on sites and saves you going to the office to use internet.I connect 2 laptop's and connect to a satellite tv box.I also take it on hollidays when using hotel's,just stick it on the window of the bedroom and pick up any available signal that's not protected .Would be lost without it
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