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vets in France


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I'll be heading to France with my dog for the first time next month. Heading back from central Pyrenees, presumably via Toulouse/Limoges/Rouen to Dieppe to avoid Calais.


Obviously I'll need to stop off at a vets on the way for the mandatory tick treatment (for dog, not me).


Do appointments with vets in France require pre-booking, or can we just turn up and request to see a vet for the treatment?


Does anyone have any recommendations for anyone along this route? Obviously I'd prefer to get the deed done at the southern end of my journey to avoid delays when I arrive at the north end.




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I used a vet in Toulouse 2 years ago and it worked out fine. It is located between the city centre and the Airport. From there the access to the motorway heading north is quite easy. The name of the clinic is - Clinique Des Acacias, 42 av Lucien Servanty, 31700 Blagnac. Phone No 05 61 71 65 52. The vet had very good English but I'm afraid I can't remember the price. I used one in Biarritz too the previous year if you need that - just let me know.
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I have tried several different ways.


The map from solomongrundy is useful but you may need to check access on google earth. It has worked for us but i try to avoid those in the centre of towns


Sometimes I have also just rocked up - at a big practice there may be a vet on duty but at a smaller practice you have to be lucky.


Sometimes I have just googled vets near a town or asked at a campsite reception - thats worked a few times.


The best for us is to have a look around near where we are staying for a few days - you can pop in and ask price (much easier than on the phone with my poor french) and make appointment.


Its never been a problem just sometimes a bit of a hassle if parking is tight.



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You can just turn up but they might ask you to come back at a specific time, it just depends how busy they are, I don't like ringing as when I did that I had the right time but at the other clinic in Stenay !! I had to go back on the afternoon.


So its better if you find a place to stay near the Vet allowing a couple of days.

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Practice a few phrases in French. Some insist on a (costly) examination, which isn't needed, some insist on an injection ( again costly), we take the necessary worming tablet , Drontal, (not a tick treatment) but none have yet agreed to use it.

Try to tell them that you just need them to administer a tablet and sign the pet passport, and ask how much that would cost.

We found a reasonable one in Ypres, and an expensive one in Limoges.

Calais isn't a problem, no need to avoid it. The tunnel is brilliant for dogs.

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I've used the tunnel myself, nice and quick, but wondering about Dieppe night ferry for a kip (and cut 150km from the route) before driving half the length of France before a stop over.


I've emailed a couple of vets (Tarbes area) so I await their response... the google map has nothing within the Pyrenees area so perhaps I'll uncover another vet to add to the list.

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I went to elaborate lengths to find a vet in advance before resorting (after the time window for seeing a vet relaxed to 24-120 hours before departure for Uk) to seeing a vet in the local area of the site we use (one days drive from Calais) every time. Never a problem with appointments, they include an examination in the consultation fee of about £22 and they are happy to use our worming tablet.


I suspect that any vet, anywhere would do.

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