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Strikeback alarm won't disarm HELP!


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Hi all,

My Strikeback alarm system won't disarm and I'm going to France tomorrow...


I tested a spare key just prior to the fault developing and I have a suspicion that this may be the issue? The vehicle came with 2 ignition keys, which incorporate the alarm buttons. I have never had an issue with the usual key. Would using the spare key be expected to cause an issue? If so, does anybody know how to rectify it?


I tried to contact the installer, (Leisurepower), but they seem to be out of business and Vanbitz are on holiday until Monday!!!


At this rate, I will have to cancel my trip....



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Hi. You should have a disarm code. About 5 numbers if memory serves me right. The box to imput is probably around the fuse box, mine was on the last couple of vehicles ( I haven't bothered with my present vehicle.)


If you purchased vehicle second hand you should have received the instruction book, which tells you how to disable with code) and codes, if not the dealer should supply.


I used to have to be close to the front of vehicle to make it switch off. Try standing next to drivers door or hold button over front window and press button as that is close to box.


Let us know how you get on.





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Hi many thanks for your swift reply.


I am trying to find the keypad, (for the last 30 mins!) I can open the doors without setting off the alarm, but it seems to be the motion sensor under the dash that triggers the alarm and also when I put the key in the ignition. I can turn the key the first notch, no issues, but the next notch, it triggers the alarm.


I'll provide an update ASAP...


Cheers, Ade

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You are not looking for a key pad but rather a single button on the side of a relay in the fuse box with a small LED on the front.


A minimum of 25 seconds after alarm armed turn on ignition and then turn off within 10 seconds - the led should start to flash.


All that being said is it the Van Bitz Alarm or the base vehicle alarm thats the problem - there could well be both! Not sure about that bit


What motorhome do you have and when was the alarm fitted. If you had alarm fitted the code will be on your invoice (thats where mine was )



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Phew, panic over.


After about 4 hours, I have just discovered that there are 2 alarms fitted. It appears that the Strikeback HAS been inactivated, but the other one, (meta system), seems to be a motion sensor fitted in the dash and activates if the front door is opened or the ignition turned on. Both alarms use the same Siren.


I must have un-knowingly turned the meta system on, (I didn't even know this was fitted! There was no mention of it in the handover).


Many thanks to everybody who replied, especially Peter for sending me copies of the manuals....


France here we come !!!


regards Ade.

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Not sure this will be quite so simple as that.


A Strikeback alarm is a Meta alarm system adapted for motorhome use by Vanbitz. What you are describing as a motion detector, assuming it is part of the Vanbitz Strikeback, is a volumetric monitor that is triggered if the volume of the space it monitors changes. All doors are alarmed via magnetic reed switches, usually quite unobtrusively installed. Usually, there is also an under-bonnet reed switch.


So, if a door or the bonnet is opened while the alarm is armed, the relevant reed switch will open and the siren will sound. If instead a window is forced and someone climbs in, the monitored volume will be changed, and that will trigger the alarm. This is roughly the standard configuration of the Strikeback system.


If the system faults it will communicate this by emitting various beeps accompanied by flashing signals on both external and internal LEDs. The manual that came with the alarm system explains what these mean, as a guide to identifying which element has become faulty.


It sounds a bit as though the alarm armed satisfactorily, but did not disarm when you tried to do so. You then opened a door and triggered the alarm. As you seem to have armed with one key fob, and sought to disarm with the other, might it be that the battery in the spare fob has died so the alarm did not disarm, or that the fob was just out of range when you pressed the button? I think you would be wise to sit down with the Alarm handbook and go over the arming, disarming, and fault testing procedures, or just decide not to use the alarm while you are away, at least until you can contact Vanbitz for guidance.

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