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Will you please reduce the darkness on SOME of the blue tabs. The closeness of the shade of the patch and the numbers within them is indistinct and confusing ... AND ... IN FACT ITS PAINFUL !


Its the 5 blue tabs within this thread and the 2 below.


Why someone decides to have different shades of the same colour is impossible.


Some of us are not colour crazy children ! FIX IT



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PROFILE PM QUOTE REPLY are four different shaded tabs each with black text. (There are others. The lighter ones have white text and are OK.


Some of the younger of you probably see no difference but for those like myself with highly sensitive eyesight and hearing its painful. It seems that some prefer more glitter, gawd help us if that occurs.


No doubt some will scoff at my complaint about the shade and say its the same. Sadly its another modern idea that is worse!


The critical key in printing written information is to write text in a contrasting colour to its background. Blue and white is passable (just). Blue and black is not.






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Will85 - 2015-09-20 8:03 PMPROFILE PM QUOTE REPLY are four different shaded tabs each with black text. (There are others. The lighter ones have white text and are OK.Some of the younger of you probably see no difference but for those like myself with highly sensitive eyesight and hearing its painful. It seems that some prefer more glitter, gawd help us if that occurs.No doubt some will scoff at my complaint about the shade and say its the same. Sadly its another modern idea that is worse!The critical key in printing written information is to write text in a contrasting colour to its background. Blue and white is passable (just). Blue and black is not.

Will the text within those boxes is actually close to Royal Blue not black.....but regardless I do agree the colours are not very attractive or easily read combinations.
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The Out&AboutLive forums have been in existence for some 10 years. Extra forums have been added - “Chatterbox” was essential, “Hits and Tips” was a mistake and the “Your Views” forums generate little interest - but the original layout and concept have remained essentially unchanged. I don’t know where the software behind these forums came from in the first place, how much latitude there is to amend/tweak it, or who makes the modifications.


Website-design studies have been carried out relating to colour usage on computer screens (discussion here and note the two black-on-blue tabs at top of page)




but it often comes down to a designer’s personal preference.


Someone in Warners employ will have chosen to alter the PROFILE/PM/MAIL/WWW/QUOTE/REPLY/EDIT/POST REPLY/NEW THREAD/GO tabs to the present colour combination that offends Bill so much and (hopefully) that choice will have been agreed before the change was implemented. I very much doubt that whoever chose the latest tab combination would have anticipated Bill’s reaction – I expect they just played about with various combinations that differed from before and decided they liked the combination now showing.


Being serious, I agree that the latest colour combination for those tabs does not make for easy readability, but if the intention was to differentiate those tabs from the ‘Page’ tabs (white text on blue background) alternative combinations may be even less acceptable.

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I prefer the reversed white on blue letters and I understand the chap who started this thread means as I have to attend hospital to undergo eye injections and find that some of the web pages on Banks etc are very hard to read. Submit and Preview needs some attention too! The tab ACTION is brilliant for me so why don't they make them like that?
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In the old days, all communication with staff and customers had to be equality proofed under the Equality Act 2010. This included ensuring such material was either legible or provided in alternative formats on request. The onus on compliance was greatest for the public sector and least for small firms. Many firms use in house styles now and tend not to use coloured backgrounds because a coloured web based font is better. I do not know what the law is currently although I do know Apple are masters on web based fonts and page design.


Page layout has a big impact on the speed of loading and so minimalist approaches have their supporters.


Good examples of recently designed web sites include the Caravan Club website - but not the forums. Fun members do not seem to object to anything in public that Jim does but he listens in private so I am told and the forum design is fine by me, the Practical Motorhome forum is awful to my eyes as I prefer softer colours, Motorhome Facts almost had a mutiny when its forum was changed and quite a few members drifted away as a result, Motorhomeowners is a pleasant website if you can enlarge the screen view as the text is small.


I find the Warners pages 'too much' although the important content remains excellent so I can live with the new layout. Like others, Warners will not be able to please all of us all the time!



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The problem that I see with the tabs that Will85 is complaining about is that the font used is wrong: it is 'thin' and also it does not sit central in the tab so that some of the bottoms of the letters actually overlap the border of the tab and the text is a poor contrast to the background.


Although I am adversly affected by poor website design and have complained in the past about this one when a previous 'improvement' was made causing me to have a headache soon after straining to read some of the text, the tab design in question here does not cause me a problem but they could certainly be better.


The 'new' Motorhome fn website is awful: I was about to pay a subscription when they changed it and the instant headaches caused by straining to read such pale text on a glaring background that I decided not to.


Things can be improved both here and there by pressing 'Ctrl +' to increase the text size but that should not be necessary and in fact can make the missaligment of the text in the tabs worse.


You can keep pressing Ctrl + until the right handside adverts dissapear though!



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I made a light hearted comment earlier but to be serious, I have Glaucoma and Macular Degeneration and need twice yearly check ups for it. I have no difficulty with the boxes as described but I have 2 serious suggestions to make.


1. You can enlarge the font on any webpage. I currently have all my regular forums etc set to 120%.


2. If you are having some difficulty, have you had this attended to by an Optician? If not then you are a potential danger to other road users. This is not meant in a nasty way. I have known many men (it is usually a 'man' thing) who are too vain to wear spectacles when they badly need them. I have even refused to be driven by them in the past.

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Pastel colours with black font is the better answer, as displayed on Motorhome Fun but I'm not sure about lots of different colours as Derek suggests.


Its not about tarting up the pages. The site will be viewed regardless of colours. Plain and readable is all that's necessary.

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