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Bilbao to Barcelona


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We are travelling down to Barcelona and on to Benedorn for a month long break next week. My BH wishes to cut out the drive through France on the way down, and take the ferry to Bilbao.


We have never travelled to the interior of Spain before so are unaware of the roads, availability of campsites / aires along the route. Can anyone offer any advise or information about the route plus any places of interest along the way. Or are we better to stick to the route through France and crossing over the border on the Mediterranean side?


Any info would be most welcome.



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In our experience driving in Spain is a bit easier than in France as the roads are generally a bit quieter and better made and maintained than in France, although the Spanish signage can be a little hard to follow at times.


From Bilboa to Barcelona there are several options but personally as the free roads are in the main so good we would not bother with toll roads for the sake of tht hour or so overall that it would save.


Vicarious books do a very good Aires Guide for Spain and Portugal and as we never use sites I cannot advise on sites.


It's a great country with much to see and we find the tourist info offices in Spain much more amenable and user friendly than in those in France with very often a willingness to speak English and to want to show you what there is to see in their areas.


If you pass close enough, Andorra is worth a visit on the way as the scenery is magnificent, spirits are ridiculously cheap and diesel was just 90 cents a litre (two weeks ago)! It may have gone up a few cents as everywhere else in Spain and France seemed to?


As to which is better - long ferry or long drive - neither they are just different and the choice is either one of cost and/or personal preference - or simply for a change!


Just relax, it's a friendly country - go enjoy!

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Thanks Rich, I have driven Barcelona previously coming down the Med side, but have never crossed central Spain. But if the roads are good as you say then it will be ok.

I was considering purchasing the Spanish aires book but will probably use my camperstop book which is a couple of years old ( 2012)


Personally I would have taken the Portsmouth / Caen crossing and travelled down the west coast of France and then across through carcasonne and down the med coast to Barcelona.

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We too used the Camperstop book in Spain this year but ours of 2013 vintage and is not always dependable whereas the Vicarious book is bang up to date (not that we have the new Spain book yet) and in France at least we have found All the Aires totaly dependable.


We too have used Brittany Ferries Portsmouth or Poole to Caen and whilst the ferry times can be a bit awkward at least you can spend the night at the terminal (as you can at Poole) not the quietest spots but if you arrive after the last ferry has left it is tolerable. Aires for Caen are plentiful in the area.


We recently drove down to the Pyrenees from Caen via Blois, Chateauroux, Toulouse and Andorra avoiding the dreaded 'Peage' that cost an arm and a leg just to save a couple of hours and that route seemed to work well enough and it certainly made a welcome change from the Poitiers, Angouleme, Bordeaux route South.


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If you want to go direct, the motorway from Bilbao is a good way to go and not expensive. Overnight in Zaragoza which is just about halfway and only 4hrs from boat.

Municipal site is quite good, about €15 pn no need to book and easy to find just off ringroad


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shaggy - 2015-09-21 10:35 PM


Thanks for the suggestions , may try the municipal at Zaragosa. However if we decide not too take the motorway what are the normal roads like on that route?


Not too bad-lot of truckers use the National road but always looks to be moving when we've crossed/come near it. May be a bit difficult to overtake if you get stuck in a convoy but if you're not in a hurry why worry? There are loads of vinyards there as you drive right across the Rioja region so plenty of places to stop and try some!

if you do use the Zaragoza site, there is a Mercadona within 10 mins walk of the site and a nice bar in the square between the site and the supermarket which do some good tapas. Can't remember the name but it is on the left bottom side of the square before you get to Mercadona-oh and it's very cheap too!!

From the site, cross dual carriageway, over grassy bit and walk up between the flats about 20yds. You arrive in the 'main' street, turn left and bar is bit further down to your left and Mercadona is on the corner by the traffic lights. You can get all your provisions there plus they have a nice selection of pastries etc if you want fresh breakfast. Sounds a long way but it's not-only about 10 mins at most. If you need it there is also a cash machine on the main street.

Have a good trip


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shaggy - 2015-09-22 11:00 PM


Thanks again Mike ( and Rich ), we love Tapas so may take you up on your recommendation. Can't wait to go, less than a week now.


Still can't remember the pub name but Jackie says it had an 'English' name!! (probably George vi!) but don't think so.

We will be there after Christmas en route for the warmer climes for the Winter.



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