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And just because we have decided to stay at home . That does not mean that I can not dream. So just to be nosey would like to know how many of you I am going to envy. Especially the one's who might be off up the mountains to the snow. We were supposed to take our son away but I am affraid no respite for the children as the builders are putting a new roof on the care home .... Never mind. :-( Could of done with the rest after this year and the dog ;-)
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Hi Michele We're got a few Caravan Club free night vouchers so we're going to Southport on Boxing Day for a few days, then to Blackpool for a few more, returning home on New Year's Day. This is the same as we did last time round but had to return when Piggy (our late dog) was taken ill on our second night away - vets at 3.00 am! Hoping not to have a repeat this year with the other dogs!!! Anyone got any suggestions of good places to visit please? *-)
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I'd booked to go to Hawes between Xmas and New Year but Swift want my van back to mend the roof - they're collecting it on the 20th November and it will take about 6 weeks they say - so that takes us to the New Year so I've had to cancel the trip!!!!! Hope it comes back before - but it will be too late to book anywhere then ! But I'd rather get the roof fixed.
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Mel B , sorry I don't do my travelling in england so I can not help you there. And also all of you make me jelous as I will be sitting here . The only thing is if the respite place open's up with it's new roof mended and we are able to get away . Never mind . My son is or was should I say looking forward to it. Never Never mind . Will just have to make do & mend the situation . happy christmas everyone may you all have a peaceful one with happy travels.
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Michelle, Do you have any connection with the childrens hospice in Beckton ? Curious as the Gold Wingers I belong to foster it,with the Railway Tavern. Anyways, we plan top drive towards Med coast, and may find it warmer than here, at least during daylight hours. Got the wheels and the time, so extending life a bit longer.
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Wingpete, No sorry never heard of it pete. The children go to a respite home . They are not terminal. Unfortunately the roof has been being repaired for quite sometime now . And it can not open until end of Nov . By which time I think most of the parents will be tearing their hair out. Oh Tum te tum (lol)
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Well since the last entry on here .although we are not taking our son with us we will be visiting the xmas markets in france brugge lille . We have to take the girls with us but we don't mind Our son does not want to come even though we suggested that we would end up in chamonix for him to snowboard . Sad shame is he knows that we can not join him on the slopes because of the girls . So he is off to St Ives where grandma lives on the bay ....St Ives is busy at christmas he will have a lovely time although this is not a time i relish leaving him. The daughter Oh so In love she does not want us around Kid's dont you just love em couldn't eat a whole one.. Anymore people away :-)
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If its any consolation Michele we'll be going nowhere. Mrs is working every day except Christmas day so we're stuck and I'm doing some "Tommy" work in the garden 'cos I've got a greenhouse to put up before Christmas day (I just want to open the kitchen blinds on Christmas morning and see my pressie sat at the end of the garden). Got to build a raised bed for next years veg and put a concrete base in for the greenhouse. D.
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We are off and away for Christmas but not far, far away. We are going to stay with my son and his family. There will be two over excited and noisy little boys there plus two dogs, also noisy. But we will have the van to escape to. A very happy Christmas to you, Michele Empress
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We are going to where our boat is stored for the winter. It's on hard standing and FREE, with a pub just over the Fosdyke bridge in Lincolnshire. Will be going the day after Boxing day 'till new years day. So work on boat during day and have a few bevvies at night...... Bliss. :D
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[QUOTE]michele - 2006-12-13 12:56 AM Dave, friends have just had a big build . the builders have ruined the drive with the lorry's crushed it all in Tommy had offered to go around and repair the drive .. old mates . I could ask him to help with the shed ?[/QUOTE] thanks Michele, might be a bit far for him to travel. I've about got it covered really but time and weather are my biggest enemies at the moment. Oh yes, its a greenhouse not a shed, I built the shed a couple of years ago. Apart from tennis elbow (but I don't play tennis!) and a dodgy lower back Im quite adept with a brickies trowel. so does Tommny live near you then? D.
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Yes just 30 minutes away and his friends 20 away in Epping and chingford ? Lovely bloke & his wife what you see is what you get except the telly makes him look small more like size 13 shoe and 10 foot built like a brick S****House .......... Diamond geezer ..........gentleman
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[QUOTE]Mel B - 2006-11-04 7:18 PM Anyone got any suggestions of good places to visit please? *-) [/QUOTE]

If you like a nice pub no d**kheads try the Mitre,small friendly town centre pub 10mtrs off the front, back of the Oyster Bar in Blackpool also try the Flying Handbag pub, yes it's one of them pubs but a good night Funny Girls is another but costs to get in. Cleavleys kitchin in Cleavleys do a lovley meal, keep on the sea front road north & park at the side of B&Ms. hope this helps.

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[QUOTE]michele - 2006-12-13 12:58 AM Pete , like a fish out of water then ;-) have a wonderful time ...Dont have to many .You might fall in .......haha[/QUOTE]Thanks... I will. You have a good time also, and lay off the pills, they don't mix well with alcohol. :D
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