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insurance cover whilst SORNed


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I am thinking about sorning the van whilst in storage November to March. I will keep the insurance running but will the cover still be valid if not taxed.


I will check with the insurer beforehand but I just thought I would ask for the experience others who have sorned their vans.

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How much will this save you, and is it worth the risk? To save a few ££ might cost you Thousands of £££ as insurance companies will try every trick in the book to avoid paying out.


Plus if you ever feel the need to use the van in the mean time, You can't.


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I have sorned vehicle and still kept insurance running until that expired, in my case I was informed that the vehicle was still covered for when it was offroad and if I was taking it for mot, but that might not be case for all insurances, so only your insurance company could advise.
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starvin marvin - 2015-10-11 1:02 AM


My understanding is that vehicles must now be insured regardless of their taxation status. Check with your insurers and get back to us.


No it's not a legal requirement to insure a SORNed vehicle not on a public road. See here; https://www.gov.uk/vehicle-insurance/uninsured-vehicles


But tbh unless the storage is 100% secure only a fool would not pay insurance.

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Even if not using my van would I leave it for more than a few weeks without taking it out for a good run, just not worth the risk of bits seizing & going wrong. About the worst possible thing you can do to a motor vehicle is leave it standing unused.
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I clean our van and cover it up over the winter, still insured,( you need that for fire and theft anyway). And SORN it. Comes out the next year, clean and no problems, all ready to go. Over that time I just switch the hook up on for 24 hours about every three weeks. You do not need to have the vehicle taxed to insure it, but the vehicle has to be insured before you can tax it.


Brian B.


ps I also run the engine and the air-con occasionally.

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Unless my insurer gave full laid up cover which is fire, theft and accidental damage I would not risk it especially in an out of sight compound where anything can and does happen, usually when nobody is looking.


Many insurers will take the opportunity to charge you an admin fee to lay it up and then again to reinstate full road cover which severely reduces the potential savings, so on balance I would not bother with all the hassle these days and I would just keep it fully insured.


It's a personal choice, no right or wrong way to do it!

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As I said in my original post the van will be fully insured and MOTd. I was wondering if being sorned would have an effect the cover, I wiil save 33.3 % of the anual road tax, for the 4 months over winter. The storage compound is big enough to drive around until the engine is up to temperature, I normally do that Christmas week. I just move it every other month whilst in store to keep the tyres from going square. If we need decide tl take her out I can unsorn it

easily enough.

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Cliffy - 2015-10-11 10:26 PM

I was wondering if being sorned would have an effect the cover,



Yes it would - you would not be legal on the road if you took it out of storage.


I've never used storage so I do not know but the storage facility might also have a requirement that you maintain full insurance cover including third party risks to protect themselves against all eventualities - such as you hitting something or someone whilst on their property?

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Tracker - 2015-10-12 8:55 AM


Cliffy - 2015-10-11 10:26 PM

I was wondering if being sorned would have an effect the cover,



Yes it would - you would not be legal on the road if you took it out of storage.


I've never used storage so I do not know but the storage facility might also have a requirement that you maintain full insurance cover including third party risks to protect themselves against all eventualities - such as you hitting something or someone whilst on their property?


I did say I would de SORN if I should need to take it off storage and I would keep the van fully insured.

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Cliffy - 2015-10-12 7:29 PM

I did say I would de SORN if I should need to take it off storage and I would keep the van fully insured.


Apologies Cliffy, I know you did, but my comment was mainly for others who might read the thread who might have a lesser understanding of the ramifications of reduced insurance cover than you and I do!

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