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Insurance Renewal


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Got my renewal notice this morning and noticed a £10 renewal charge!


What's all this about then - on and off I've insured via the Caravan Club for years so there is no way I'm paying them to give them my business.


There was the usual confab with the manager who said he'd knock it off this time but not next year. OK, good so they'll lose my business next year!


Give me strength.



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It was described as a renewal fee on the paperwork. When I queried it the lady said they checked they were quoting me the best rate and this covered their administration costs.


I've never seen this before either. I have 3 vehicles and find most insurers are willing to knock a few quid off to avoid losing the business.


So this seems a novel approach.


I'll have to see what happens next year.

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The same thing happened to us and were told that it would be better just getting a quote as if a new customer. This we did and the resulting quote was less than the renewal amount including the renewal fee so it went through as being a new customer, no problem, it was even with the current Insurance Provider through the CC.
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