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Kiddies Company

Will H

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Yet another Charity looking after its In-house benefactors.


And still there are many soles who feel beholden to support 'a charity'. Its amazing, just amazing how gullible people are to actually want to give their hard earned cash away to the unknown.


It reminds me of the Great War when the masses volunteered for King and Country only to be put forward as cannon fodder.

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Guest Peter James
Will H - 2015-10-30 12:08 PM


It reminds me of the Great War when the masses volunteered for King and Country only to be put forward as cannon fodder.


A lot of those who volunteered because army pay was better than what they could get in civvy street like it is today, and because they thought they would have an easy victory - Which they should have done because their army was far bigger. But they didn't factor in the incompetence of the British Generals who practically inherited their jobs, instead of earning them on merit, just like many still do.

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So, if I've got this right, if things stop going Brenda's way, she can call on ancient powers, long ago devolved to the Government but possibly still in force, and call on her loyal troops to strike down the forces of anarchy.

And they will salute, click their heels and say "of course Ma'am, right away".

Thereafter carting her off to a padded room.

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Guest Peter James
antony1969 - 2015-11-02 6:45 AM


one man anti-royal mission


Am I the only one person who thinks we should elect our Head of State?

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Peter James - 2015-11-02 12:12 PM


Am I the only one person who thinks we should elect our Head of State?



Probably not, but you are in a small but vociferous minority whose emanated noise far exceeds their percentage of the electorate - fortunately!

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Guest Peter James
Tracker - 2015-11-02 12:56 PM


Peter James - 2015-11-02 12:12 PM


Am I the only one person who thinks we should elect our Head of State?



Probably not, but you are in a small but vociferous minority whose emanated noise far exceeds their percentage of the electorate - fortunately!


How do you know the 'percentage of the electorate' when there has never been an election on the Monarchy?

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Peter James - 2015-11-02 12:12 PM


antony1969 - 2015-11-02 6:45 AM


one man anti-royal mission


Am I the only one person who thinks we should elect our Head of State?





I think you are worrying unduly about the power of the queen - elected or not.


It MAY be true that, theoretically, she could use the full might of ' her ' armed forces to suppress the population - but in practice I doubt if she could do it without the support of our elected government




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Peter James - 2015-11-02 1:02 PM


Tracker - 2015-11-02 12:56 PM


Peter James - 2015-11-02 12:12 PM


Am I the only one person who thinks we should elect our Head of State?



Probably not, but you are in a small but vociferous minority whose emanated noise far exceeds their percentage of the electorate - fortunately!


How do you know the 'percentage of the electorate' when there has never been an election on the Monarchy?


I don't and furthermore I don't give a toss - but like many others I do just wish you would stop being a pain in the proverbial for a while!

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