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What does it all mean?

Tony Jones

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I'm a "veteran" of 20 years motorcaravanning, but a new kid on the block here. In fact, I'm not only a "new user" here, this is the first web "forum" I've used at all. So help me out here: First, how do all these "ranks" work? How long (or how many posts) does it take to go from "new user" to "member," and so on? Second, I don't understand all the little symbols next to "threads" on the main forum view (stars, ticks, miniature bar-charts, you name it).
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Clive of course it matters, to some but not to others. Tony don't worry about it it can then be a surprise when you change from new user to member. As for the rest I am a regular user and have not worked them out yet and I don't care what they mean. Good luck and welcome to the forum. Docted
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Q: What are the little icons down the left-hand side of the forum, and what do they mean? A: These icons are designed to let you know which posts are new, and the kind of activity that's been going on since you last visited the forums. Here's a list of the icons, and what they mean: - Thread closed: This thread has been locked, and no new replies can be posted. - 'Sticky' thread: This topic contains useful information, and has been 'stuck' to the top of the page - it won't drop off the bottom no matter how the page is viewed. - Poll: This thread contains a vote that registered users can take part in. - New post(s): There have been posts to this topic since the last time you visited the forum. - Hot thread: This topic is popular, and has 20 or more replies since it started. - Hot thread with new post(s): A 'Hot thread' with new replies since you last visited the forums. - Normal thread: There's been no new activity in this thread since your last visit. Tony did some checking and hope that the above helps. You will find all the little doofers on the Forums -General Chat- Announcements Docted
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