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Colin Leake

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We've not bothered to change but have taken the precautions such as changing any sensitive passwords and reducing the amount of money in our current account etc. But a telephone call has put us on a new special offer reducing our monthly payment by £10. Not a fortune but worth a phone call.


We have had a few dodgy phone calls. If I'm busy I simply cut them off. If I'm feeling playful I tell ll male,callers I love their sexy voice. Females I feed a load of rubbish. Date of birth 29 October 1066 etc.!

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We are also with TT but have not had any dodgy calls etc. The ones we get usually want us to sign up to some government green energy scheme etc.


I feel that the hackers did not get us much info as maybe the media implied and the chances of it being able to be used against your bank account are very slim, unless you give the hackers the missing info. However, TT did not do themselves any favours by the way they handled it, but as for changing??? I suspect that next time it will be one of the others as they are probably not any better with customer's info.


However, we have also reduced our current account by the simple expedient of buying a campervan. Decided that getting all tha interest (0.5%) was just not us playing fair with the UK economy, so spent it all instead.

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