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OT - pull another one!


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Apparently someone video-oed a person shooting with an arrow an orange off a person's head >:-) now anyone with an iota of sense knows that you NEVER aim an arrow at a person. Just the slightest arm movement can mean that the person misses the target, even in the best conditions. We are all hoping that this person will be banned from Clubs World-wide as it is so not a good role model >:-( >:-( 8o|
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Hi Lizzie,you should have said he was standing outside his Motorhome, to be relevant in this forum. Otherwise use Chatterbox forum. (lol) :D
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Well done Lizzy. You have just kicked off another argument down my local on who played William Tell in the t.v. series. Most say it was Richard Greene, but this doesn,t feel right to me . If anyone knows otherwise, then please let us know as this will really bug me until I get the answer. Howard.
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Who was that man?. It was Conrad Phillips that played the part of William Tell in the t.v, series and I think it must have been Cornel Wilde in the film version Jenian. As for Made Marion, it just shows how times have changed as nowadays Robin would have made Will Scarlet. Howard.
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