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Gas comsuption in Winter


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I have recently used a Bessacarr 760, (not my own vehcile) and wondered if anyone has any information regarding gas consumption if using for cooking and on a low light overnight. We did run out on the small container (I think it was 7.5kg) after 4 days use, but are unsure how much was in container to start with. We currently have a caravan with electric and gas heating, do not used sites without hook-up (?)
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Hi Tony, If you were using the Trumatic C 6002 EH on low for heating only, it uses 170gr/h and will use a 6Kg cylinder in 35 hours. Using the appliance on High will exhaust a 6Kg cylinder in 13hrs. My Trumatic Convector S3002 Fire uses on Low 30g/h about 200 hrs and on high 280g/h equals around 21 hrs before a 6Kg cylinder runs out. Hope above helps. Regards Terry
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However, the 6002 is (should be) thermostatically controlled, so shouldn't run continually.  Actual run time will therefore depend on the difference between internal set temperature (you can only guess, unless you carry a thermometer or have an accurate on board sensor), and external ambient.  Sun and wind will also affect the rate of heat gain/loss from the van.  Further, as you aren't on hook up, the fridge and (probably) water heater will also consume gas.  It's a bit of a "how long is a piece of string" question really, but Terry's answer should be the absolute worst case.  In practice, you should do better under most conditions, except alpine skiing.
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