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motorhome insurance.


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Have over 10 years motorhome insurance without a claim and 58 years car ins; without a claim. I have protected no claims bonus on both. Can anyone help on good ins; companies on the motorhome front, this July gone, a white van passed me and took my electric mirror ,with him,I claimed £170.00 and paid the £100 excess myse;lf. axa who I am insured with have more than doubled my renewal premium ? Greed or what; I thought when you had protected NCB ,your premiums could not be increased on a single claim ?
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I would challenge the figures from Axa so that you can understand why you are being penalised.It may not tell you but it might be useful to know. Wherever you go next, I suggest you increase your excess to around £250 because Axa's cost of dealing with what was effectively a £70 claim could have exceeded the value of your claim.


Have a read of this:



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Agreed, speak to Axa. I think you will probably find that although you nave not lost NCD, they have increased your risk profile as a driver, and this results in an increased premium. However, a near doubling seems a bit much for a minor claim after a long claims-free record.


Although the mirror damage will have been annoying, claiming £170 against an excess of £100 was a bit unwise. I agree with Brock to discuss increasing the excess to bring the premium back down somewhat.


You may be able to persuade Axa to let you pay them back the full £170 (to annul the claim), and reinstate your previous claims free status - but I'm not sure if you can do this after the new premium has been set. There may be an admin charge for this.


They may stick to their guns now that a claim has been settled. At one time you could do this with some companies if loss of NCD would have made the renewal more expensive than the payout.


It is always best not to claim for minor items on motor insurance. If you now try to move insurer you will have to declare the claim, so may find that others' premiums are even higher. However, if you can't get any sense from Axa it would be worth asking around a few others, to see what they say.

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Protected NCB is hardly worth bothering with unless the price difference is minimal.....which i very much doubt!


AXA are pretty reputable and i think the largest UK insurer but to double the premium suggests someone has got their figures wrong somewhere! Phone and ask how they arrive at the renewal quote but first run some online comparison quotes so you have something to whack at 'em!


Good luck.

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