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Dover transformation


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Dover is undergoing a huge transformation £120 Million which should be good news for those who use the port. The large tower block, Burlington House has now been demolished and a centre containing a multiplex cinema, M&S food store and restaurants and a 100+ bed travelodge are taking it's place. The Western docks & Prince of Wales Pier are also being developed as explained here :-

Whether or no motorhomes and campers will be part of the plan, I know not but it will be a much more pleasant place to spend a few hours before a ferry.

Good news all round I'd say (but I am biased as my Mother lives in Dover!)

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Tracker - 2015-12-30 11:04 AM


At the risk of being a cynic, don't hold yer breath!!


We first noticed ongoing 'improvements' and building work over 10 years ago but as yet very little seems to have changed in all those years !!!


Every time we have been through Dover (usually four times a year, 2 trips out and 2 in) there seem to have been changes and this has been going on in our case since 1994. Dover strikes me as being a wasteland of cracked concrete with confusing signage and lots of distractions. Anything to improve the port is worthwhile, but I fear about the potential for chaos whilst these 'improvements' take place.

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Tracker - 2015-12-30 11:04 AMAt the risk of being a cynic, don't hold yer breath!! We first noticed ongoing 'improvements' and building work over 10 years ago but as yet very little seems to have changed in all those years !!!

O ye of little faith Rich. 
It's happening now!
I go there every week to visit my 95 yr old Mother.

The tower block is nearly gone, (end of Jan) the rest of the site is flattened, the rubble is being used to fill in the old Hoverport area, building starts on the new St James Centre in Spring.

Lets have some positive waves!
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