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Omnivent extractor fan


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Our PVC 'van has an Omnivent Extractor Fan above the kitchen area. I want to remove the inner section which holds the roller blind, and to give access to the fan etc for cleaning. I have removed the two screws which look to be holding the part to be taken off, but it seems to be still fastened to something and I can't see what. The question is, has anyone experience of doing this job and can they tell me how, please? Photo attached, ( if I have got the size right !).


Thanks, Neil B


PS Have found that the photo attachment service is not available, so will try later if necessary.

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On-line comments relating to Omni-Vent repairs seem to suggest that removal of the inner frame should be very straightforward. This webpage




appears to confirm this, as it contains the advice “You can replace your old inner frame in no time by a new version (9) with a retractable fly screen and roller blind.”


I assume that the Omni-Vent in your (unidentified) PVC motorhome is already the "new version” and I would have thought that removing the two obvious screws and the knob used to raise/lower the outer dome should be all that’s required to get the inner frame off. However, it’s possible that the inner frame that holds the blind ‘clicks’ on to something on the ‘curtain frame’, so you might try a bit of judicious manipulation/jerking to see if that causes the inner frame to detach.


If the inner frame still refuses to come off, I suggest you suppress your cleaning urges and contact Rose Awnings for advice just in case there’s a subtle removal trick.



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Thankyou, Derek. The vehicle is 2015 iH Campervan, and I would expect that the Omnivent is the newest version. I have tried removing the obvious screws and the frame is still attached to something. The plastic doesn't feel very strong and I am reluctant to do much manipulation. The operating knob has no obvious securing device, and I suspect it is part of the frame assembly and engages the lid raising levers when the frame is in position. I have sent Rose Awnings an email asking for advice.


Thanks again, Neil B


May I wish all my readers a Happy New Year.

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armstrongpiper - 2015-12-31 5:48 PM


...The operating knob has no obvious securing device, and I suspect it is part of the frame assembly and engages the lid raising levers when the frame is in position...


There are some photos/drawings of the 2005-onwards operating knob here






If I had to bet it would be that the knob is not part of the blind-frame assembly and that pulling the knob hard downwards would cause it to release from the raising/lowering mechanism above the frame. But it’s a 50:50 chance I’m wrong and (as you rightly say) the plastic material these things are made from won’t take kindly to excessive brute force. Definitely wisest to wait for a response from Rose Awnings.

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There are some downloadable files on the following link that should be useful, with the ”User Manual” file including fairly detailed guidance.




Evidently (Paragraphs 6 through 8) the operating-knob is fitted to the interior frame and secured there with an O-ring, and the interior frame is then attached to the exterior frame with 4 screws (one in each corner).


The significant information in your case seems to be Paragraph 9 that says


“Click the frame with the roller bid (G) to the interior frame and secure it with two screws DIN 7981 3.5 x 9.5 (fig 10/1-4).”


and the the instruction in the subsequent “USE ROOFLIGHT” section that states


“ - To take away the roller blind, unsrew and click the frame off at the side of the knob.”


If you study the drawings Figure 10/1-4, you’ll see that (after removing the two visible screws) removing the blind-frame should involve pulling the frame downwards on the knob side, then moving the frame laterally away from the knob-side. The downwards pull should ‘unclick’ the frame on the knob-side and moving it sideways should detach the blind-frame on the other side. If you look carefully at the drawings you’ll be able to see the protruding ‘hooks’ on the bottom outer edge of the interior frame on to which the blind-frame slides/clicks.


If the blind-frame proves reluctant to ‘unclick’ whe pulled downwards on the knob-side, try simultaneously pushing the blind-frame on the opposite side in the direction shown by the red arrow in 10-2.

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That is extremely useful information, Derek. The action to 'click the frame away at the knob side' is just what I wanted to hear! It was what I suspected, but was very nervous about trying without some fore-knowledge. When it stops raining, I will visit the 'van and give it a go.


Again, very many thanks


Neil B

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An update. I have been to the 'van and successfully detached the inner frame from the Omnivent, following the guidance given in the references supplied by Derek. Having removed the two holding screws, it needed a determined pull to get the frame past the 'click' pieces, but knowing where they were was invaluable. The fan screen was then easily accessed for cleaning.


Derek, many thanks again.


Neil B

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