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water leek


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hi has any one got any ide where water leek is come from on hymer554 window by rear bed 2011 model the window is 23 inches high by 50 inches long the water seems to gather in the left corner inside of the rubber any help or just get new rubber
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Quite right Ray - using a new rubber everytime is the best way to avoid expensive leaks, whereas moving out of Wales helped us to avoid leeks - and leaks because nowhere else is as wet as West wales! We do miss our local Leekes though!


Condensation might be the problem with water running down the inside of the window.


The very mention of leaks to any of the Hymer lovers on here is akin to mentioning 1966!

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Tracker - 2016-01-08 10:57 AM


The very mention of leaks to any of the Hymer lovers on here is akin to mentioning 1966!


Don't worry, they wear special filter glasses (with 2 settings, 'Hymer' and 'German') which will make this thread invisible to them and should it ever get mentioned in the future they will deny it even existed :-)

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Not familiar with your problem but parking differently might improve any water problems especially from wind pressure. You mention window replacement but surely not before other remedies are investigated. There's always a possibility that the bodywork has shifted and a new window would make little difference.
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Don't take it personal mate ! We all get ribbed a bit on here, but there are some seriously clever and informed people giving advice as well. Hope the new window seal solves your problem. Let us know ? A lot of folk ask questions then we never hear from them again, not how it's supposed to work.We like to share successes as well as problems.
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Some window seals are simply length of extrusion with the join made with a dab of superglue. If the join is at the top ( because its more or less out of sight) if the superglue fails rain may get past. .


In one case rain got down a screw hole into a void in the aluminium frame and ran downhill and accumulated until it found its way inside via a screw fastening a window catch. The original entry point was the last place located of course.

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Tracker - 2016-01-09 8:11 PM
pw9crab - 2016-01-09 5:03 PMthanks for reply having checked rubber I think your right the joint looks suspect so I will re glue
I have never used it but I have boating friends that have and it works when used correctly in the right situation which might, or might not, be your window?http://www.captaintolley.com/

Tolley's would be good if the leak/crack is very small as it acts by capillary action and is effective because it is actually thinner than water so tracks into the crack nicely....their web site says it is effective for 'cracks' up to 0.6mm which is pretty narrow.

However on a purely 'hygiene' note.....
Robbo said:

I had a leak at the rear of my Hymer 544.   

You dirty individual   :-)  ....did you get caught short or was the 'facility' indoors out of commission?  

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thanks for reply well I re glued joint yesterday heavy rain last night and still small amount of water in channel that rubber fits in its only in the corner of bottom left corner looking out and amounts to a mustard spoon full of water
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I use "Captain Tolley's creeping crack cure" (what a great name!)

and it works well. 

I sealed the windscreen of my 1986 2CV with it and it hasn't leaked since. 

You may have to make repeated applications to seal larger gaps, but it's so easy to do it's not a problem. Clear any drips/spills with WD40 and when all finished apply polish to spill areas (WD40 takes polish off!)

A word of caution though if you are doing this (or using any other sealant) now at this time of year, I don't know how well it cures in low temps?

As they say "itsup2u"
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