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maxview dome comparison help


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Hello newbie here in need of advise , we have just traded our motorhome and dont have any satellite installed , on our old van we had an 85cm oyster vision 2 which was great but sometimes high winds would be a bit of a pain, so looking to buy a dome.We mostly visit belgium, holland, germany and switerland (have been to france and spain but no longer what to do such distance),

So ive looked at the maxview auto dome twin lnb it has astra 1,2 and 3 and hotbird £1100 approx.

I have also looked at maxview vuqube 2 which can be roof mounted, twin lnb, it has astra 1,2and 3 and hotbird £750 approx.


as far as i can see both these systems do exactly the same but theres a big difference in price, does anyone have either of these domes who can give me their honest opinion, i have contacted the retailer but still awaiting a reply, any advise good or bad would be much appreciated

Sandra :-D

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We had a Maxview dome which cost us £1600 installed. After 3.1/2 years it was dead and trying to get hold of Maxview to find out if they had a spare part was like pulling teeth. There were no spare parts available and although we were NOT after warranty work we were subjected to an abusive letter from their MD. I therefore wouldn't touch them with a barge pole. We were prepared to buy and have the spare part fitted ourselves. In the end we found a small electronics company not far from where we live and they fixed it at a cost of £260. If you are thinking of going down that route make sure you ask about getting the thing fixed when out of warranty. Its a lot of money to spend, it basically cost us about £500 per year for that system.
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