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towing electrics


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I'm trying to get the lecy for towing fitted, but they have to take out the back lights to fit /connect to it. When they tried to get them off they would have to break them (27 ys old. paint stuck to them & will not come off without breaking) I CANNOT find any-one who can replace them, I can get the offside one but not the other & believe me we have tried. Then I got to think, surley they must be some-one out there with the knowledge to fitt it without taking the lights off, connect to the wiring sort of thing. Well the question I ask IS THERE ANYONE WHO CAN in the n/west?


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Hi Wayne. Delfins website is "www.delfindesigns.co.uk" . I know you,ve had a go at removing the lights already but I would try again using a stanley/craft knife to separate the paint and cover then gently prise them apart. I normally use a wide wood chisel for this sort of thing, and if you gently work your way around you should part the two without any damage. It should be possible to connect the wiring further back than the rear lights, but the furniture layout may be the problem here, but still worth considering and asking the electrician to look at. You may as well try the rear lights setup though as whenever a bulb goes you will be back to square one..............Dave. I,ve given Wayne the website that he will have to type out himself, but other users give a website that you simply click on to go there direct. Any idea how this is done. Howard.
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Hi Howard.

Jone's caravans who we tasked the job to said they tried to remove the lenses but they would break/crack and couldn't source replacements. My personal opinion is that they are to lazy to do it as like said. I  have e-mailed Delfin for parts 'ie' drivers seat & the lenses, once again thanks for all your help.

Regards Wayne.

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Glad you got the parts you wanted Wayne, and that website seems to stock everything you need, especially when it comes to older vans. Keep that address safe for future use. ......... Thanks for taking the time out to try and help Dave, but thats just another abject failure in my attempts to come to terms with technology. Howard.
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Hi Howard/Dave.

I e-mailed Delfin Thurs morn I'm still waiting for there reply, struggling to sort a drivers seat though. My next project is to find a owners manual, now thats like trying to plat dobby horse dung!. By the way Howie do you think "the girls" are missing our comments on them?.


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[QUOTE]howardtcz - 2006-11-17 11:08 AM Leave it out Wayne. I,ve only just got back on speaking terms with Mel. £300 for a handbook sounds reasonable, or why don,t you try that owners club address I gave you. Howard.[/QUOTE]

£300s I only want the book not to invest in the company!!!!!!!! lol Dave thanks for the info I will give it a go.

Howard would you think Mel would have us round for tea? he he.


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[QUOTE]Forester - 2006-11-17 1:22 PM Howard would you think Mel would have us round for tea? he he.


[/QUOTE] If we play our cards right we may even get a free Christmas dinner and a prezzie each Wayne. How about a "Idiots Guide to Computors" for me and a pocket calculator for you. :-)
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I have tried to spend xmas with some-one else to no avail. I am a poor sad badley treated person WHO the female race seem to have a go at, since i lost my beloved mum & dad i don't know which way to turn nobody loves me if they did they would invite me for breakfast/dinner/tea on 25/26/27/28/29 of Dec and pay for my drinks over the feastive period, do you think I'm asking too much Howie baby? I also have a mutant ninga gold fish called spot that needs a lot of looking after so if there is any-one of the forum members that can help by giving me FULL BOARD from Dec 12 06 to Jan 3 09 please pm me btw Howie baby what are pockets? 

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[QUOTE]Forester - 2006-11-18 10:07 AM


I have tried to spend xmas with some-one else to no avail. I am a poor sad badley treated person WHO the female race seem to have a go at, since i lost my beloved mum & dad i don't know which way to turn nobody loves me if they did they would invite me for breakfast/dinner/tea on 25/26/27/28/29 of Dec and pay for my drinks over the feastive period, do you think I'm asking too much Howie baby? I also have a mutant ninga gold fish called spot that needs a lot of looking after so if there is any-one of the forum members that can help by giving me FULL BOARD from Dec 12 06 to Jan 3 09 please pm me btw Howie baby what are pockets? 

[/QUOTE]Thats a really sad story you have to tell Wayne and i,m sure you,ll get plenty of pm,s offering sympathy and advice. As for the females having a go at you, then this could possibly be down to the way you approach them. You have to realise that in most cases, women far prefer to be charmed and courted in a more gentle way, that always makes them feel special. If you do this, then you may even get the free drinks and lodging you are hoping for over the festive season. Hope you don,t mind, but i,ve included an old chat up line that I used in my younger days and hopefully this will give you more success in the future. Me. The names Bond. She. James Bond? Me. No. Unibond. I,m here to fill your crack. Call me old fashioned, but I still believe a little chivalry goes a long way. Howard.
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