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towing electrics


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Howie & Wynie I'd be only too happy to have you round for tea, although it would only be one round as that's all I'd need to make it a double knock-out! But, then, at least that would solve the other problem - where to go for the Christmas/New Year period - I hear hospital food has improved greatly over the years and if you really wanted drinks I'm sure they'd liquidize them for you both to drink through straws, you never know, you might even get beds next to each other and you could then keep each other company ... Morcambe and Wise Style!! ;-)
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Winter draws on Wynie. I,m sure that was a icy blast I just felt coming in off the mouth of the Humber. Matron does have a point about this "howie baby" thing though. I,ve been called this all my life, but never by another bloke, and I don,t want to spoil this wonderful macho image I project whenever anyone reads my postings. Howard.
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Shame on you Wayne. For you to take my innocent comments regarding weather fronts coming in off the North Sea, and then twisting it into a disgraceful slur on a fellow forum user is beyond belief. If and when the charming young lady in question decides to take you to task over this matter, then I feel honour bound to give her my full support. Howard.
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Hiya Michele. Hope you don,t mind me asking, but I have an old friend in desperate need of accommodation over the coming festive period. He comes fully house trained, and apart from trying to slip something into your Christmas stocking should be no trouble at all. He requires nothing more than a constant supply of alcholic beverages and food, as well as 24hr access to the adult channels. I thought this might give you the ideal opportunity to put the true meaning back into Christmas. Howard.
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Hi ya Howard, sorry adult channels are banned in this house . We have no alcohol as we are boring we don't need drink to be merry. The computor is also banned from explicit sexual business as well . So we really are boring farts. We did want to go away for christmas taking the son up the mountains ski ing but alas the home has no room for the children so thats that. . I have resigned myself to the fact that I will just ave to watch everyone on here still that's fun in itself . Makes good reading a. So sorry wayne its back to maggie .... ;-)Will she have you?
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Pity about that Michele. I,m sure having chopper over for Christmas would have been a real education. You sound as if your on a real downer at the moment, and as for resigning yourself to just reading these threads then forget your vow of silence because we are all the poorer for your absence Howard.
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Ah, That's nice Howard really sweet . Actually it's quite nice to sit back and watch . The funny thing is some people have short memories I find it really amusing other peoples one line entries and off topic chat . Funny how when it suits case of the pot calling the kettle black . Funny world . Still have not had anything to say lately and I am sure that people don't want to listen to rubbish so better to stay quiet rather than chirp up . Had fun lately just reading and alway's enjoy clive actually, quite a few make me laugh. Others not so much but make interesting reading the serious ones then their is always the new guy TC. Not quite sure to make of all that .Still had a laugh watching people tell him off ...... So I guess been buzy in my own way. take care X
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I have at last got the electrics for the van fitted, cost £73. Jones Caravans of White City Manchester coun't do it they said they needed the back lights at a cost of £132:00 as they could not get mine off (to fit the electrics) without breaking them.I phone a auto who came out to my place it took him around 2hours and all done & dusted for £73 against Jone's cost of£202. Jone's has lost my future custom I will go else where for repairs in future. Thanks to all on here who gave me advice.


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Glad to see your van,s starting to take shape Wayne and I have to admit this is one of the things that I miss since we have had our new camper. We were lucky enough to be left some money a few years ago and spent the lot on a new van, and although its been great, i,m under strict orders to keep my itchy fingers off with regards to "home improvements". All our previous vans were either self build or clapped out coachbuilts, which gave me the ideal opportunity to spend many happy hours putting my imagination and diy skills to good use. Things didn,t always turn out the way I planned, but there was always this great satisfaction of having a camper you had put together yourself. Correct me if i,m wrong Michele, but the last advice Mel gave Wayne was to book a hospital bed and learn to eat through a straw, as she was planning to "rearrange his face" if their paths ever crossed. Howard.
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dare i ask!!!!  what's LMKO stand for or have i put my foot in it again? I know what lol is also see you next tuesday but not lmko!!!! not yet anyway.

answers please on the back of a £20 note and send to me PM for details.

Wayne/Chopper/Forester/Elthicko. he he

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