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Cheap ferry through P&O/CC

Mel B

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Just booked ferries for 2007 via the Caravan Club: out Sat 12/5/07 @ 8.25, return Sat 26/5/07 @ 18.20 = £61.98 out Wed 27/6/07 @ 7.55, return Sat 14/7/07 @ 18.20 = £60.32 plus £30.00 per dog return if required. Seeing as the last time I checked it was over £140 for May and around £120 for June/July I snapped them up. :-)
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Those are very good prices, I wonder whats going to happen after the European court ruling on duty free, I think if they allow people to purchase there wine and beer etc. from France through the Internet then I can see the ferry fares going through the roof, certainly on the Dover Calais route
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Hi, wintersun I hope you are right, as i don't really mind what they do as long as we can get relatively cheap ferry crossings Brian [QUOTE]w1ntersun - 2006-11-16 7:39 AM enodreven I can see cigs being sold over the net as they are light to post but I would say wines and beer would not be cost effective because of the frieght charges.[/QUOTE]
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Hi, Was that for a return ? [QUOTE]JohnP - 2006-11-16 3:02 PM I managed to get a Sea France crossing for £35.00 for 20 foot MH. Travelling end May 2007 around 1.30pm.Booked direct on the Internet. Dogs, cats and Ferrets were £30.00 each . Why. Keep shopping around.[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE]JohnP - 2006-11-16 3:02 PM I managed to get a Sea France crossing for £35.00 for 20 foot MH. Travelling end May 2007 around 1.30pm.Booked direct on the Internet. Dogs, cats and Ferrets were £30.00 each . Why. Keep shopping around.[/QUOTE] JohnP I asked the same question a while back and it would appear that the charges for animals are to cover the costs of PETS passport checking staff. A seperate checkin booth is required for dogs, cats, ferrets. Maybe some other members have a better answer. Best regards, John 8-) 8-)
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Thanks Mel, Just booked ours for over 6metre but under 7metre and 3metre height and four adults in June at reasonable travel times Club Long Break Z, = £50.33p return, best price we've ever had. Nearly booked with the P&O early booking 2007 offer they sent out by e-mail on 13/09/2006 as that was £94 glad we didn't. Also thought we did well last year with the £63 Saga/ Driveline error one but this offer beats that! Thanks again Bas
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Dogs,Cats & £30. I always use P&O and there are no specific ticket booths at Calais for those travelling with animals. The £30.00 is just a ruse to increase the fare.It takes about 3 minutes to process the mutt now we all know what is required.Initially,before the passport, it was more complicated. P&O cost accountants probably feel it is a charge that passengers will pay when reflected against the cost of kennels,cattery,(a hotel for ferrets has me stumped). N
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