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Charge to use CC


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Do you think you should pay the seller, for the use of CC?


I have just taxed my car, and would have had to pay if used a CC. I prefer to pay by CC as you have some protection. I always pay my CC off each month, so not a problem for me, but I do think it wrong, as they do get their money. I know that companies have to pay the credit companies, but surely they would get more custom without a charge?

Maybe not the DVLA as we have no option not to tax , but what about other firms. ( Holidays ?)Some people can only afford to pay monthly

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Short answer is yes, without doubt. The aim is to discourage credit card users which incur higher costs for the business from the credit card companies. It is also transparent.


My son's firm is charged 1% for debit card transactions, and between 1.5% and 2.5% on credit card transactions depending on credit card company. They pass on the credit card charges less 1%. He doubts sales will increase by removing the credit card charge but accepts sales increase if prices are discounted, whilst making the point he does not confuse sales with profit.


DVLA charges are set by the Government and the common policy over the last ten years or so is to avoid, where possible, cross subsidisation of services. Therefore, the DVLA has to pass on the credit card cost otherwise debit card customers - and those using other means of payment - will be subsidising credit card users. The poorest in the UK tend to use cash so they will be subsidising those who can get a credit card.



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I always tax my vehicles using a debit card, no fuss, no problems, no charge, quick and easy.

If you don't want to pay the cost don't do the transaction.

Passing on a bank charge is a company or organisation policy decision and online people like Amazon, and most high st retailers who make no obvious additional charge must factor the costs into their retail prices as a business expense, so no, I have no problem with a charge to use a card as long as it is reasonable.

What I do take issue with is some of the extortionate 'postage and packing' charges on the internet which can turn a good buy into an overpriced buy so if I don't like the charges I don't buy - and I sometimes send them an email telling them why I won't buy from them - not that I get any response!


Just deliberating whether to tax the van now for 1st April or whether to wait until after the budget next Wednesday in case the rates go down - how likely is that?

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Tracker - 2016-03-09 2:50 PM


I always tax my vehicles using a debit card, no fuss, no problems, no charge, quick and easy.

If you don't want to pay the cost don't do the transaction.

Passing on a bank charge is a company or organisation policy decision and online people like Amazon, and most high st retailers who make no obvious additional charge must factor the costs into their retail prices as a business expense, so no, I have no problem with a charge to use a card as long as it is reasonable.

What I do take issue with is some of the extortionate 'postage and packing' charges on the internet which can turn a good buy into an overpriced buy so if I don't like the charges I don't buy - and I sometimes send them an email telling them why I won't buy from them - not that I get any response!


Just deliberating whether to tax the van now for 1st April or whether to wait until after the budget next Wednesday in case the rates go down - how likely is that?



Probably unlikely Richard. Now if they where to scrap the tax, and put the cost onto the fuel, I think that a fairer way to go. , and would most likely bring in more revenue, as you need fuel , but some get away with not taxing the car, (though I think it is getting harder now)


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PJay - 2016-03-09 7:08 PM



Now if they where to scrap the tax, and put the cost onto the fuel, I think that a fairer way to go. , and would most likely bring in more revenue, as you need fuel , but some get away with not taxing the car, (though I think it is getting harder now)





There's a lot of speculation that fuel duty will go up in the budget anyway ( but they be scrapping any other taxes to make up for it ).




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