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Insurance Woes Again


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I know this has been aired many times before but I am still being surprised at the sneaky tricks insurance Companies play to get business.


I suspect we all now know that loyalty is a dirty word, and as far as the insurer is concerned that is merely a tool to screw you and offer a discount to a new customer. I fully admit to falling into that former trap as sometimes when the policy comes due, I have little time to shop around and have often just paid up. Yes, more fool me. Of course when I started with that particular insurer, they offered a cheaper price than what I had at the time, so got the business. However, what does annoy me is the new'ish trick of automatically renewing the policy UNLESS you cancel it before the renewal date. That is usually hidden in the small print. Even cancelling the Direct Debit is not the answer as then a charge is applied. Plus, you cannot cancel by mail, it has to be done by telephone so the call assistant can try to persuade you to stay a customer. I have just received a long 'lecture' from the call assistant on why the high premiums were not their fault, but the Underwriters. Eventually I had to just put the phone down, not something I really like to do. Frankly, I am not interested in whose fault it is, I just want a better, or even just a fair deal. They then offer a discount which you wonder why they did not include in the renewal in the 1st place, and save a lot of trouble for all concerned. Also be aware of paying by Direct debit. I did on one Policy as I needed the Direct Debit to get interest from my bank account, but now find that there is a charge of 10% or more for this 'privilege', plus if I merely just cancel the DD, another charge is applied. Again, I have to telephone to get 'lectured'. And they wonder why customers invariably lose their temper?


Ah well, I have just renewed with another Company and no doubt will have to go through all the rigmarole again next year.


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Aha, I thought so to, but reading the small print on the renewal there are words that did not appear in previous years like..............If you do not advise us that you wish this Policy to contune within 14 days of the date of this renewal notice then the Policy will continue and if you cancel then an administration charge will be imposed.


In ye olden days any Policy lapsed at renewal if you did not renew it. Not any more, you have to physically cancel it, so do not use Direct debit for any of this and even if you pay annually make sure it has not been classed as a Direct Debit as then they automatically renew the Policy without your say so. It is a situation where paying by cheque will give you wriggle room.


My gripe is that this has only appeared this year on my renewals and i do not like it. I am the customer and should be treated as such, not having to beg for release from a Contract option.

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Just had my renewal quote with Comfort who settled a claim for a new A-class windscreen in last 12 months costing c£2,800 - retail price] without quibble. The premium has gone up by 6% [£16.49] excluding tax. Caravan Club has offered to beat this quote by £25.
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