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Insurance Tip

Guest Frank Wilkinson

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Guest Frank Wilkinson

Forgive me if this is old news but I had something pointed out recently that could save a lot of money on insurance.

My broker quoted me about £550 for my new motorhome but he also explained that it was a lot higher than normal because my wife had an accident just over a year ago. She reversed her car into a bollard at a supermarket. The total bill was only about £750 but of course it's enough to blight her policy for at least three years.

My broker, who's an old chum, suggested what I thought was a brilliant idea, which is: insure the MH with just me as the named driver, which reduced the premium to about £350. He then suggested that when we go on a longish trip where I'd like my wife to share the driving that I put her on the policy as a temporary driver at a cost of about £13 for up to 21 days!

So now, if we go away for a few days I shall drive but for our main holiday in Europe I'll add her to the policy for three weeks for peanuts!

It occurred to me that, in a twosome, where one of you has lost his or her no claims bonus, this is a policy worthy of consideration.

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Frank, thanks for the advice. In general terms, I remember one of my previous insurance companies telling me that it was cheaper to insure a vehicle as a couple. This was because if out drinking etc the liklihood is that one of the two would stay alcohol free.

However, I will take your advice onboard as my partner has also recently had a knock and hence I will check around.

Thanks again
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Hi Frank I recently sent you a couple of private E mails about your new vehicle as I bought the same vehicle I never had a reply I just assumed you where abit dubious about replying when you did not know who I was? I have now got the vehicle and I could not be happier but I had doubts about it as i had not had a drive of it . your thread above about insurance I have insured with the same company for many years and i was always happy but the price they quoted for the new vehicle was a bit higher than I expected so I decided to shop around some thing I shold have done years ago and the best price I got was nearly 3100 puond less than yours of Caravan Guard so it pays to shop around Terry
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