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megamoney motorhomes!


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Hiya Dot. Paying out that sort of money for a motor home does make you wonder, but apparently M.C.L.s order books are full at the moment so the demand must be there, but I think i,ll wait until my heating allowance comes through before making a final decision. I don,t know what you think of the program but I really enjoy it. It does have a bit of a home made feel about it and the sound quality could be better, but the content more than makes up for this. No disrespect to some other sky channels, but there are quite a few on offer that appear to have a very limited appeal with re. to viewing figures, and i,m sure a combination of camping, caravan, motorhomes and other outdoor activities including walking would generate enough interest to justify many more programs regarding these subjects. Never mind. At least the Caravan Channel is a step in the right direction. Howard.
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:-S I don't think the heating allowance is quite enough to get your order booked in! I enjoyed the programme, although I have to confess that I watched some of it with a serious touch of the green-eyed monster! We can't afford a new van, so the old one will have to do a few more years! We only saw it because we met the chap who makes it when he was filming at Excel. Apparently he does the whole thing himself from scratch - makes you wonder how he does it when you see the list of people at the end of most programmes! I think its quite nice and friendly. I got the impression that he needs some sponsorship or advertising to keep going . Perhaps MMM should sponsor him!
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There was one a few months ago which was a huge 'bus'-type motorhome which had a slide out underneath - on which you could park a Mercedes coupe :-D only £110,000! The one I like the look of is the Rapido 999M - bathroom across the back of the vehcle, fixed bed and lots of cabin/lounge space. £57,000 - but hubby tells me it's too long :-( [actually that's not usually what men say is it :$ (?) ] We are all allowed our dreams ............ What's a heating allowance ;-) - looking out at the Sky ..........
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Thats the phrase Dottie, nice and friendly and perhaps thats why I enjoy the show. As for sponsorship, then apart from mmm and other publications what about all those manufacturers, dealerships and smaller accessory firms chipping in with the undisputed power of advertising making it more than worthwhile for everyone concerned. I hope you realise that jealousy is one of the cardinal sins and that the only people to benifit from chopping and changing are those poor salesmen, so the next time a brand new supervan pulls up on site next to you, then pass the time doing mental calculations on how much the repayments come to, and think of all those wonderfull places the,ll never see due to their sheer size. (if only I could practise what I preach). Hi Lizzy. I see you still have this fascination with matters re. physical attributes, and as long as you keep it within the bounds of respectabilty I doubt if anyone will take offence at your remarks. As for the Rapido 999m, you have mentioned this a few times before so stop dithering and go for it before time passes you by and you find its all to late. Howard.
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We watched the programme properly last night, and I thought it really was quite good (considering!). I think that it is more endearing because it's a bit amateur! I'd be disappointed if he didn't start to get some support from the trade so he could keep it going!
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