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Folding electric bikes


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Hi Chris

Hope you had a good time in the South. Cost is the Factor, how much do you want to spend on each bike as they range from £600 to over £2000. Will you use them only whilst on holiday, or more regular..

We have the fold up Bikes in the £600 range and had them for around 5 years and still going strong but only use them when holidaying in the Motorhome..

Lots of threads on this subject if you need to delve further.



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We bought 2 AS folding bikes in the biggest size they do ( IE full size bike).

I have great fun with mine but my wife found it too heavy to handle and has gone off the idea all together!

Longest run I did was only about 25 miles but no problem.

You must keep them well lubricated and generally look after them since they are on the budget end of the scale.

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aultymer - 2016-04-14 10:40 AM


We bought 2 AS folding bikes in the biggest size they do ( IE full size bike).

I have great fun with mine but my wife found it too heavy to handle and has gone off the idea all together!

Longest run I did was only about 25 miles but no problem.

You must keep them well lubricated and generally look after them since they are on the budget end of the scale.


Agree, we also have the AS Bikes, at most shows, and reside in Coventry..

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Another AS bikes customer. 20" wheels and fold ups but they do a larger size fold-up. The after sales service from the company is second to none- they';ve done a few jobs on ours in the years we've had them. When I've asked "how much?" their reply is always "just a please and thank you"


I end up giving them some cash "for their dogs' food" :-)


Highly recommended

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