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Problems Posting


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Is Duncan or anyone from the IT dept looking please?


Sometimes a new posting loads and shows first time but usually it does not appear unless I log off and log back on again, and sometimes it takes two or thrtee goes to get it to appear.


It pays to copy each posting before posting then at least if it does not load first time you don't have to compose it all over again.


This is particularly an issue on the 'Chilcott' topic but may also be a 'Chatterbox' issue as posting on Motorhome Matters seems to be OK now?


Is anyone else still having problems posting?

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I’ve noticed that - since the ‘migration’ - after making a posting I have occasionally received the error message "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0 error ‘80004005’". However the posting I’ve just made does always make it on to the forum OK.


I don’t know if this is happening to others, but there seems to a fair amount of posting duplication going on at present (I’ve been deleting the spare copies when I’ve spotted them) suggesting that people may be repeat-posting in the belief that the error message indicates that the original posting was not actioned successfully by the Warners system.


Otherwise I’m not experiencing any difficulties posting or carrying out any of the other forum admin capabilities I have, though it's perhaps worth saying that I use an Apple Mac not a PC and don’t fiddle about with caches, cookies etc.

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For me what happens is that sometimes when I have posted to the forum there has been a delay and the Microsoft SQL Server error message I mentioned above has appeared.


However, although the appearance of this error message and the fact that acceptance by Warners system of the posting I have just attempted to make was not confirmed back to me (by a ‘Thanks for your post’ message) as would normally happen, my posting has in fact been accepted and added to the appropriate forum thread.


It seems likely that this will be the same for other people (whether they are using an Apple Mac or a PC) and - I suspect - the reason for postings being duplicated is not because the Warners system is spontaneously producing multiple postings but because people assume from the error message and the system’s abnormal reaction that the first posting has not been accepted and have another ‘go’.


If you do receive the error message in response to a posting, rather than attempting to resubmit the posting I suggest you check the thread you’ve being trying to post to and confirm whether your first posting is there.


(As far as I’m concerned response times when using the Warners forums have not changed from, say, a month ago.)

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Response times are broadly unchanged but as they always have been variable that is difficult to quantify but, for me, is not an issue in itself.


Where my experience differs from Derek's is that sometimes the posting does get accepted even thought the SQL error message suggests otherwise, but in order for me to see that message on the forum I have to quickly log off and log back on again as it does not appear automatically.


Sometimes, especially if I do not logoff and on again soon enough, the posting does not appear at all and is lost and unless I have saved it I then have to rewrite it - and that can be irritating!


This does not happen every time with every topic but seems to be selective or random in effect.

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I normally have more than one forum window open simultaneously, so - rather than log off - I just switch to one of the other windows to check my posting has been accepted.


After encountering the SQL message I began to take a temporary copy of my post before posting it, but as my postings have always been accepted when the error message appeared I no longer bother to do this.


As you say, there seems to be no obvious pattern.


I haven’t had the error message for a while.

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Hi everybody,


We are really sorry about this; a recent move to a faster server has broken a small component of the forum. As you have noticed the posts are working okay but some of you are seeing an error page. Thank you for taking the time to reporting the error, we have somebody working on this now and we hope to have the problem resolved in a few hours.


Kindest regards,



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Derek Uzzell - 2016-07-07 1:36 PM


I’ve noticed that - since the ‘migration’ - after making a posting I have occasionally received the error message "Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0 error ‘80004005’". However the posting I’ve just made does always make it on to the forum OK.


I've had the same issue, leading to dupe posts.


Have been in touch with the tech team and their on the case.


[Edit] Mark beat me to it in the post above!

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MC Whelk - 2016-07-08 12:33 PM


The problem has been located, it was only effecting people that have the email notifications enabled on a thread. We are working on a fix and I'll post a reply when the issue has been resolved.


Sorry - but it affects me and I do NOT have email notifications enabled!

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We believe it was effecting people that had this option enabled on their profile "Receive e-mail notifications when someone sends you a private message?" or they have clicked the "Toggle email notification" in the action box of a particular thread. 
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MC Whelk - 2016-07-08 12:59 PM


We believe it was effecting people that had this option enabled on their profile "Receive e-mail notifications when someone sends you a private message?" or they have clicked the "Toggle email notification" in the action box of a particular thread. 


Just for the record, your belief was incorrect.


My forum Profile has never been set so that I receive e-mail notfications regarding private messages, nor have I ever clicked a thread’s “Toggle email notification”.


In my case it seemed that the problem was random - sometimes I received the error message and sometimes I did not - but it definitely was not because I had ‘email notification’ set.


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Thank you everybody for your assistance, we are pleased to say that the error appears to have been resolved and was definitely down to the email notification system. Further testing has found that even if you DID NOT have the notifications set on your account, somebody else may have requested email notifications on threads that you found to be problematic.


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