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YOU are a Menace


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aultymer - 2016-07-31 11:11 PM



If you are thinking about a trip to Mallaig, this is what the locals think of you.


Not sure they are actually saying you are a menace - just a reminder to act courteously toward other (particularly local) drivers on the narrow roads.


Seems perfectly reasonable to me.



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Can't see anything to suggest that this is not a personal website and it is one person's view of motorhomers. Agree with the sentiments though especially as they apply to everywhere, not just one road in Scotland. The site doesn't seem bothered about wild campers so they must be considerate when they park up.



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When you headline an article with the epithet " menace" it tends to detract from the perfectly sensible advice which follows.

We decided to stop at Fort William and keep our menace ( and cash) away from the Road to the Isles.

I had hoped that the sort of mentality which branded visitors a menace had been bred out in the highlands.


The phrase was not confined the the linked page but also appears on the main page of the Road site.

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Having read the request on the web site, I suspect that this is aimed at what can only be described as a menace which has now become prevalent over recent years in the Highlands where there are few duel carriageways. It has been reported elsewhere that there seems to be an annual influx of a large group of mainly Italian registered motorhomes who travel in convoy causing considerable disruption and frustration.


Where there are few overtaking opportunities, if you are sightseeing and enjoying the journey whether by motorhome or car, it is sensible to pull over where possible to allow the queue of frustrated drivers behind to progress, here in Argyll the bus drivers and some HGV drivers will always take opportunities to allow safe overtaking, it is sensible and safer for everyone.

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I drove last week from the ferry at Craignure to Tobermory. From the ferry a motorhome slightly larger than my own got in front of me. As far as Salen he maintained a reasonable speed but from then on things changed and he crawled along and practically came to a halt at most corners. He would not pull over to let me past as I usually do about 55mph on this stretch. I pulled over to let some cars past but this did not impress him and he continued at his slow speed as the car drivers were getting noticeably frustrated by his behaviour. This continued all the way to Tobermory. Do you wonder that motorhomes get a bad name for being a downright frustrating nuisance in such areas?
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Recently been up in the Highlands, on single track roads with passing spaces, pulling over to allow others to pass, isnt just a courtesey, its the law, and is shown as such on roadside signs. I find the single track roads better than double track, like the road to the isles, AND the road between Craignure and Tobermory. As there isnt always a layby to pull into. We always pull over if somone closes up behind us, especially on single track, as we like to amble and take in the scenery, surely thats what going up there is all about ? As stated, there are plenty of beautiful spots, off the beaten track, where you can wildcamp, It does mention that it is mainly foreign registered motorhomes,causing the hold ups , perhaps they just need to be taught the rules a bit more ? And driving in a convoy is a nuisance anywhere....dont do it.


Ps shame about Shieling site being up for sale, loved staying there, especially when Mull Railway was running.

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I pulled over on a single track road in Scotland to let an Italian MH through coming the other way.


He was followed by another Italian MH and another and another ........ we counted a total of 30.


Still, it wouldn't have helped me to proceed after the first one passed, otherwise we'd all have ended up in one big traffic jam.


We just enjoyed the enthusiastic waving from all the Italian vans. No harm done.

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I've driven that road a few times and the one part everyone should be careful of is around Beasdale where the road snakes in a series of S bends until Arisaig. It doesn't help much that at that point it's narrower than the rest of the road. You are also likely to meet one of these chaps too; http://oi64.tinypic.com/wqr2wi.jpg They are based at Mallaig and i imagine get really frustrated when stuck behind one of us lot trundling along!


The article should have been better worded. Using "menace" has threatening undertones and a bit of an own goal really. They might just as well write "tourists are a damn nuisance"!

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I thought the Italian menace had passed as they were bad a few years ago. My last post regarding Craignure to Tobermory was done in haste as I had to go to collect someone at Craignure and now have to allow an extra 30 minutes for this trip. First Friday in August is Bunessan Show. A nice friendly little agricultural show. The drive of 55 miles each way should be fun as there are extra buses on now as well as what many here now regard as a plague of motorhomes.
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I've been driving Fife-Oban area and back by car frequently over the past two months and the use of word 'plague' doesn't seem at all over the top to describe just how many vans seems to be in the area - with numbers visibly on the increase year-on-year it's hard to see how it's not going to end in some form of confrontation with the locals and other tourists, with every viewpoint and beauty spot occupied by the white boxes.


Some are indeed a 'menace' too; being stuck in a queue of vehicles behind a single slow-moving van for 30-40 miles as it sails gracefully past layby after layby isn't at all uncommon. Either they're oblivious to what's going on behind them, don't care, or perhaps actually enjoy holding up traffic with a kind of 'F**k you, I'm on holiday' attitude. Sadly I suspect that for a minority there is a ring of truth to that latter possibility.


Meanwhile I'm happy to report that the gloriously beautiful, far sunnier and entirely midge-free east coast glens of Angus, Strathdon etc. remain quiet and almost motorhome-free and become our summer stomping ground until the west coast becomes quieter around mid-September. But don't tell anyone just what a great part of Scotland it is..



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Steve928 - 2016-08-02 9:03 AM


Meanwhile I'm happy to report that the gloriously beautiful, far sunnier and entirely midge-free east coast glens of Angus, Strathdon etc. remain quiet and almost motorhome-free and become our summer stomping ground until the west coast becomes quieter around mid-September. But don't tell anyone just what a great part of Scotland it is..




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It's all a bit off-putting. We went up that way a couple of times in August 15/16 years ago and we saw very few motorhomes. Apart from the traffic issues you can't beat a row of big white boxes in open country for spoiling the view and the sense of wilderness.
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Keep quiet about the Angus area. I have started going to that airt and further up to Aberdeenshire for my motorhome /cycling trips. Good cycling country.

A friend who happens to be a nurse had someone at an event who suffered some kind of allergic reaction. As the nearest ambulance was 50 miles away she did a highly illegal (regarding speed) run in her own car as a private individual to the locum doctor service. If you hold up traffic you could be endangering somebody's life.

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bodach - 2016-08-02 1:14 PM


Keep quiet about the Angus area. I have started going to that airt and further up to Aberdeenshire for my motorhome /cycling trips. Good cycling country.


Our London posters would feel at home in Aberdeen. I've never come across such aggressive driving and total disregard for road law. I was glad to see the back of the place!!

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Mebbe I am just another aggressive driver but I have a son living in Aberdeen and I find driving standards perfectly OK. Avoid the usual rush hour times when there are traffic jams. Mind you emergency vehicles I have noticed take no prisoners so if you hear sirens you get well to the side.
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Bulletguy - 2016-08-03 5:59 PM


paulmold - 2016-08-03 2:26 PM


The wording on the website has been modified.


Perhaps the author reads this forum.......or even a member?!! :D

He read this thread because I pointed him to it and suggested he might like to change it.

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There is no contact button but on the links page there is a link to web design company Hotscot and I thought that they may have designed it and even owned it, which turned out to be correct. He was very defensive of his article at first and was a bit confrontational himself but I explained politely that most readers agreed with his comments but they might be misconstrued as being anti-tourist, he agreed then to reword it. It is of course more of a personal website and not a local tourist-aimed business one such as ....



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We were in the Outer Hebrides about 8 to 10 years ago, The thing I noticed was If I pulled in to a passing place flashed my lights for a builder /postman etc to come forward, They would most often flash me forward and sometimes wind their window down for a quick chat. If I pulled in to let them by would always get a thank you. Unlike on the mainland where I am often not acknowledged for letting people passed

The other thing I noticed workmen would often give us a cheerful wave.

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