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IKEA Hot Dogs

starvin marvin

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Horrors, I've just been told by a neighbour that IKEA hot dogs are now £1.25!!! The only way I've been enticed to visit IKEA is on the strict condition that I can get myself a hot dog. But £1.25 for a IKEA hotdog! they've got to be joking. I'm staying home next time, but that probably means we're going to wind up with a lot more IKEA junk.


Life's just full of dilemma's.

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starvin marvin - 2016-08-20 3:41 PM


Horrors, I've just been told by a neighbour that IKEA hot dogs are now £1.25!!! The only way I've been enticed to visit IKEA is on the strict condition that I can get myself a hot dog. But £1.25 for a IKEA hotdog! they've got to be joking. I'm staying home next time...............................




But that means you could end up starvin, marvin.



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malc d - 2016-08-20 4:02 PM


starvin marvin - 2016-08-20 3:41 PM


Horrors, I've just been told by a neighbour that IKEA hot dogs are now £1.25!!! The only way I've been enticed to visit IKEA is on the strict condition that I can get myself a hot dog. But £1.25 for a IKEA hotdog! they've got to be joking. I'm staying home next time...............................




But that means you could end up starvin, marvin.




I know, you just get used to not eating and then you drop dead! Somewhere in my dim and distant past, I must have missed a meal. Well, its not going to happen again, thats all I can say. When's the chippy open? I want my chippy tea.

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