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We are planning next years adventure to France and Spain.

We have been to France last year and really enjoyed it, with no real problems, so I think we are reasonably experienced in our 5.85 metre motorhome ( not sure about mountain passes though).

We are travelling in May from Dunkerque to Luxenbourg ( 3 nights on campsite) then down south to nature reserve at Villars des Dombes , again campsite. In between we want to use solar panel to use Aires.

Also we want to avoid heavy tolls, so not too worried about taking a bit longer.

After this comes the tricky part, we want to cross the Millau bridge (Tolls?) and south to the Pyrenees.

My question is should we go on th French side or the Spainish side (prefered).

As we are retired time is not of great importance, I think this could take 3 weeks or so, stopping at least every 3rd day for 2 /3 days at campsite, the other 2 days at nice Aires to discover beautiful French village/towns.

Any tips would be appreciated, especially the Pyrenees section.

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Good luck with your adventure; it all sounds do-able so enjoy.


Travelling South from Clermont Ferrand on the A75 is toll-free except for a short section across the Millau bridge which costs €10 - but you can avoid that (and get a much better view of the bridge as well) by leaving the motorway and driving through Millau and rejoining just South.


If you want scenic villages and pleasant Aires, steer clear of the busy Aires near the transit routes and get a bit more rural.  Always taste the water before you use it to top up your tanks because we got some oily-tasting water from an otherwise idylic stop in one village and it took weeks to get rid of that taste.  Only time it's happened but a real pain nevertheless.  (We use tank water to make tea.)


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qwark - 2016-08-24 9:58 AM



My question is should we go on th French side or the Spainish side (prefered).

As we are retired time is not of great importance,


Any tips would be appreciated, especially the Pyrenees section.




Generally speaking the French side of the Pyrenees are wetter ( therefore greener ) - but all very scenic.


On the Fench side I reckon that Cirque de Gavarnie is worth a look - and if you are in to walking - a trip up to Cauterets - and a climb / or cable car up to the Pont d'Espagne with it's nearby lakes.



On the Spanish side I recommend the Ordesa national park - again if you would like a scenic, but not too strenuous walk - get a bus from Torla up to the Ordesa Gorge (Spains "Grand Canyon " )


Have a good trip.



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As Stuart said the best view of the Millau is from the old road which takes you into the town itself, on the way down there is a large visitors centre showing how the bridge was constructed I think just to drive over it gives you no idea of its size.In the town there is an Aire (operated by www.camping-car-park.com).if you need a stop over.

The Pyrenees are fantastic no matter which side you are on, lots of Aires on the french side not so many on the Spanish side... ..I take it you have a least one of the books with Aires in .....the roads can be a little challenging in the mountains but with a 6mtr van you will be ok, had no problems with ours.


There is an Aire at Villars des Dombes here and a few reviews.




We always head for the Pyrenees in the summer although it can still be hot in the day it cools down in the evening for a good nights sleep .


Enjoy your trip

Brian K

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