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Newbie – looking for MH for family of 5 for 4 month trip


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Hi all – another newbie looking for advice!!


I am being made redundant next year so am planning on making the most of the break to take some time out with my wife and 3 kids (7,5 and 3) and travel Europe for 3-4 months in a MH. I plan to spend up to £60k on a MH and £20k on the trip. I passed my test before 1 Jan 1997 so the weight restrictions should not be an issue. However I do not plan on keeping the MH when I return but selling it. I have done some research but still have several questions which I hope you may be able to help me with.


1) I would like an A class MH with fixed rear bunks. I have come across the Itineo SB740 which looks perfect. I have read the load capacity of 450KG may be difficult to manage with all the kit for a family. Does anyone have anything else good or bad to say about the Itineo?


2) I cannot find any second hand Itineo SB740’s in UK (and only a few in Europe). Am I looking in the wrong place? I may therefore need to buy new (at NEC show?) but from what I have read I am likely to lose VAT+ 5/10% when I sell after 4 months which would cost me ~ £18k on the £60K purchase price which seems very steep. Given the rarity of the Itineo do you think I will lose this amount in depreciation? (I have found one for rent on French website that would cost ~ £13k so may be cheaper to rent and not take the depreciation risk??)


3) Some posts suggest big savings from buying direct from France/Germany. Given the collapse of the £ to € since brexit are these savings still viable?


4) Are there any other good A class (or coach built) options I should look at?


Thanks for any advice you can give…..



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Hi and welcome to the forum


As you do not intend to keep the van , I would not buy new. You loose money on a new van (VAT) so let some one else take the loss. People buy vans and sell them sometimes within a year, so a fairly new van , (where the VAT, has been paid ) a very good deal One thing to look for, make sure you can fit the child seats safely,

Wish you luck on your purchase


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I thought of suggesting that, as well. Another idea is buy from a dealer, with the option of a buy back clause, which I believe some New Zealanders and Aussie's do when coming over for a long period.

i would not spend K60 on the van for such a short time. If you must buy then a good second hand one much better value. You sound young enough to need to save some of your redundancy money for future use



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