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France family fracas fight at toll booth A71 Video


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Pulled into toll ticket booth behind French car at entrance to the A71 peage section.


French driver couldn't reach ticket so he got out, took the ticket and then went to rear door and tried to open it; his wife got out of the front passenger seat, check out her expression, and then it all kicked off.


We just sat there open mouthed, its all on dash cam so I uploaded it to You Tube; click on the link below:


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jb6981 - 2016-09-05 10:16 PM


Pulled into toll ticket booth behind French car at entrance to the A71 peage section.


French driver couldn't reach ticket so he got out, took the ticket and then went to rear door and tried to open it; his wife got out of the front passenger seat, check out her expression, and then it all kicked off.


We just sat there open mouthed, its all on dash cam so I uploaded it to You Tube; click on the link below:


where is the "like" button :-)
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