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TV using 3 at home


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Hi all, we've been in France for nearly 2 weeks now. Before we left I signed up for a 3 contact with lots of roaming data. Whilst it is great for general internet purposes in France the main reason I wanted it was to stream tv using Filmon . This worked fine at home, but I haven't managed to get it to work in France - it just hangs. Anyone got any suggestions.? Signal strength has varied between 2 and 4 blobs - is it that?

P.s. Worth noting for anyone thinking of getting this ,the other drawback is that you can't tether other devices to it.

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I think the problem with the "3 feel at home" system is that they throttle the signal when using in mainland Europe.


We used a MiFi in France and Spain using "3". Great for web and email but tried to download Kindle books from Amazon and it just hung. The Kindle books would download OK on campsite WiFi.

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Three.uk throttles the streaming when abroad, so much so that it's unusable, although they'll never admit that they do!


Ireland's Three.ie don't tho. I managed to get a three.ie PAYG SIM card. It works great, no throttling, and for 20 Euro you get a months worth of unlimited data.


Works for me! :)




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Guest pelmetman
Tinlizzie - 2016-09-21 10:14 AM


Hi all, we've been in France for nearly 2 weeks now. Before we left I signed up for a 3 contact with lots of roaming data. Whilst it is great for general internet purposes in France the main reason I wanted it was to stream tv using Filmon . This worked fine at home, but I haven't managed to get it to work in France - it just hangs. Anyone got any suggestions.? Signal strength has varied between 2 and 4 blobs - is it that?

P.s. Worth noting for anyone thinking of getting this ,the other drawback is that you can't tether other devices to it.


What kind of dongle are you using?.........Is it one of those stick thingy's or a separate stand alone like this?





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I'm on three here in Spain and it works great for general internet use (on smartphone). I even called home using messenger video call and it worked. But anything from Amazon takes an age to load, if at all. The way round it is to use Mini Opera browser, it compresses the files before sending them you, and it works at normal speed again. In fact I would recommend Mini Opera for any week signal area, it's in the app stores free.
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Charles - 2016-09-23 11:10 AM


I'm on three here in Spain and it works great for general internet use (on smartphone). I even called home using messenger video call and it worked. But anything from Amazon takes an age to load, if at all. The way round it is to use Mini Opera browser, it compresses the files before sending them you, and it works at normal speed again. In fact I would recommend Mini Opera for any week signal area, it's in the app stores free.


Thanks Charles for the tip about using the Mini Opera browser.


I do have Opera loaded on my tablet (downloaded from the app store) but didn't think of using it. Perhaps I ought to investigate downloading the Mini Opera as that would probably be even better.


I seem to remember that Motorhome WiFi recommend using Opera.

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