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England Football Manager Quits


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I think one has to ask if there is something in the psyche of football managers that makes them unable to see what is patently obvious to anyone else. Are they so besotted with their own importance that they think they can say what they like in any public place, and no one will notice?


It is not as if this was the 1st time such a ‘sting’ has been performed so one would have thought they would have been suspicious when asked to spout all kinds of opinions, but evidently not. I am also sure the bosses at the FA have advised caution when dealing with the public for any new manager they hire.


Mind you on the bright side, getting a £1 million payoff for 67 days work plus salary, is not too bad a deal, and I am sure many of us would like to have it. It also seems that in the football world today your ‘sins’ are soon forgotten and I am sure he will land another job before too long. However, I did laugh at one of the cartoons in the newspaper which showed 2 footballers walking along and one saying to the other ‘It is not the manager who should be shaming the game, that is the job of the players’.


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Yes, all that money and all those obscure deals, got to be iffy hasn't it?


And don't I remember Big Sam being accused of some dodgy dealing when he was managing Bolton a few years ago?


Pity to have lost him as a manager for England because it looked like he might do the trick but at the end of the day, the person in that job should have enough sense not to get himself into this sort of pickle.


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pelmetman - 2016-09-28 1:12 PM


The only surprise to me is that some folk are surprised that football is corrupt ;-) ..........





... and all paid for by sponsors and supporters.


Fortunately, I'm not paying for any of it ( as far as I know ).





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