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Snipe 2


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Hi all.


I am looking for a little help on this one. I have a Snipe 2 installed on the roof of my PVC.


I had an issue with it returning to the home position, it was showing an error code, paused then returned to home. This unit was replaced.


The replacement unit has a different problem. There is a clicking noise coming from the base when it rotates anti clockwise which didn't happen on the first one. (See video)




I don't think this is right, has anyone with a Snipe product experienced this?


I have made representations to the retailer who is trying to assist me although I sense some reluctance, I do not blame the retailer as I am sure it is not his fault but his suppliers.


The supplier claimed there was nothing wrong with the first unit when it was returned despite me having a video of the problem.


The supplier is saying there is nothing wrong with the second unit even after viewing the video and the fact the fist one did not do this.


Thank you in advance.



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Hi Randonneur.


Thank you for your comments. I also considered a dome but wasn't so sure on the profile with a PVC.


When you say a noise is is just the noise of the electric motor you can hear? not the clicking noise as per the video?


Many thanks.

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Not taken a lot of notice but think it is the motor. On your video it appears that the clicking you can hear is when it has got to a position before it moves to another position. If that is the case then I don't think there is a problem as it is trying to lock on to that particular position before trying another. who were the suppliers? if you don't want to say on the forum then send me a PM.
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The only time it makes the clicking noise is when the base section rotates in an anti clockwise direction.


So it could be from Astra 2 to the home position for instance.


The originally supplied one did not make this noise which is why I am concerned. It is almost like the gearing is catching on something. Without having seen the inside of these units I wouldn't be able to guess any further then that.


I would have thought if it was meant to do it then it would also occur clockwise....


I'd rather not mention the supplier as yet. They are making efforts to rectify the issue, I just sense some reluctance either on behalf of the retailer or their supplier.


When the first unit was exchanged they claimed it worked fine when it got back to the factory despite me having a video of the fault that I was having.


I will drop you a quick PM

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I had two of these fail on me (same unit from same Korean Mfr, but branded 'Megasat' rather than 'Snipe'). In my case it was down to water ingress, It began with a reluctance to start/park, eventually failing completely, but thankfully 'parked - ish' so at least I could drive home!


After the second failure and a bit of a fight with the vendor (German unit bought via ebay) I got my money back.


It was easy to see the failure with my unit, removed it from the roof and tipped it on its side, and whole load of water poured out from around the 'seal' - maybe you can check for similar - I notice from your video that its been raining so possibly building up to a similar issue?


Upon contacting a UK-based supplier of these units I was told that failures were 'commonplace' which is what made me cut my losses and buy something else. I do note, however that other folks have has these for a year or so and had no issues.





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veletron - 2016-10-03 1:12 PM




I had two of these fail on me (same unit from same Korean Mfr, but branded 'Megasat' rather than 'Snipe'). In my case it was down to water ingress, It began with a reluctance to start/park, eventually failing completely, but thankfully 'parked - ish' so at least I could drive home!


After the second failure and a bit of a fight with the vendor (German unit bought via ebay) I got my money back.


It was easy to see the failure with my unit, removed it from the roof and tipped it on its side, and whole load of water poured out from around the 'seal' - maybe you can check for similar - I notice from your video that its been raining so possibly building up to a similar issue?


Upon contacting a UK-based supplier of these units I was told that failures were 'commonplace' which is what made me cut my losses and buy something else. I do note, however that other folks have has these for a year or so and had no issues.





This is a Snipe 2 (Selfsat), iI remember right yours was a Snipe, we had no problem with our original Snipe and various other people have had no problems. Steve has PMd me to say that the unit is off his van and packed ready to send back so I would have thought that he would have noticed any water coming from the unit. I am waiting to contact a Friend who has the same Snipe (Selfsat) to see whether his makes a clicking noise, his unit is over 12 months old and he has had no problems with it.

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Randonneur - 2016-10-03 1:52 PM


This is a Snipe 2 (Selfsat), iI remember right yours was a Snipe, we had no problem with our original Snipe and various other people have had no problems. Steve has PMd me to say that the unit is off his van and packed ready to send back so I would have thought that he would have noticed any water coming from the unit. I am waiting to contact a Friend who has the same Snipe (Selfsat) to see whether his makes a clicking noise, his unit is over 12 months old and he has had no problems with it.


Nope, it was a Megasat Countryman GPS Professional, which is identical to the Selfsat Snipe 2. (Same Korean Mfr). Used at least once a week, and almost every day for the 1st 6 weeks as I was practically living in the van.


Agree that the OP would have seen the water pouring out of it upon removal if it was the same issue as mine.


I believe it was the atrocious Scottish weather that killed mine.



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