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Since the referendum in my view they've not really had a decent run of it ... First the farcical last leadership campaign and the failure of the main man to get his papers in on time . Then the new leaders resignation and Nigel stepping in again ... Now news of a fight putting one of the contenders in hospital ... I'm not a UKIP voter but could be ... I hope they sort themselves out and wouldn't it be a laugh if the nasty , racist , bigoted party that UKIP are meant to be actually voted in Raheem Kassam as next leader , a Muslim with ' foreign ' parents ... Wonder how the same old wet lefties would react to that ... Who would believe that those nasty racists might be the first major party in this country to do so ... Funny old world and reading about him he could be a good choice
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UKIP has certainly seemed to be out of control recently and I've been wondering what a political party needs to help it avoid looking so self-destructive.  And today there's been the story about the punch up between UKIP MEPs at a meeting in Strasburg which was supposed to be about clearing the air.  Yesterday (or was it the day before?) the new Leader of UKIP pulled out, citing lack of support from her fellow MEPs.  The background seems to be a longstanding row between what is at least two warring factions in the Party.  It's clearly a mess and it's all out in public too.  And of course the Labour Party ended up in open warfare too recently, and the Tories have at the very least got close in the past.


Part of UKIP's problem seems to be the lack of a clear purpose and identity after the positive Brexit result.  Is UKIP left wing or right or if neither, what is it?  Unless a political party has a clear cut identification, eg Labour supports the working (and benefits?) classes, how do people know what, fundamentally, they are voting for?


I suppose the SNP would have a similar problem if ever they got independence, even though they do seem to have pinched what was hitherto Labour's corner of the ring.


How on earth do the voters in countries like Israel know who to vote for or consider switching to, when they have so many different political parties?


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pelmetman - 2016-10-06 4:10 PM


At least folk can't say UKIP are boring :D ..........



Oh yes they can, boring predictable.


As soon as the dictator "retired" the plebs have started to revolt. Well there's a surprise. Wait until the money man packs up his tent, he's already nailed Hamilton's & Carswell's ears back, and threatened to depart.

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Guest pelmetman
starvin marvin - 2016-10-06 8:24 PM


pelmetman - 2016-10-06 4:10 PM


At least folk can't say UKIP are boring :D ..........



Oh yes they can, boring predictable.


As soon as the dictator "retired" the plebs have started to revolt. Well there's a surprise. Wait until the money man packs up his tent, he's already nailed Hamilton's & Carswell's ears back, and threatened to depart.


Cant say I'm finding politics boring at the moment...... I dunno which I prefer for entertainment value though.......


UKIP's fisticuffs?.......Or Labours Machiavellian back stabbing ? :D .......







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pelmetman - 2016-10-06 10:11 PM


starvin marvin - 2016-10-06 8:24 PM


pelmetman - 2016-10-06 4:10 PM


At least folk can't say UKIP are boring :D ..........



Oh yes they can, boring predictable.


As soon as the dictator "retired" the plebs have started to revolt. Well there's a surprise. Wait until the money man packs up his tent, he's already nailed Hamilton's & Carswell's ears back, and threatened to depart.


Cant say I'm finding politics boring at the moment...... I dunno which I prefer for entertainment value though.......


UKIP's fisticuffs?.......Or Labours Machiavellian back stabbing ? :D .......



Or the Tories double headed dud, facing both left and right at the same time, and not knowing what the hell to do.

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starvin marvin - 2016-10-07 10:08 PM


pelmetman - 2016-10-06 10:11 PM


starvin marvin - 2016-10-06 8:24 PM


pelmetman - 2016-10-06 4:10 PM


At least folk can't say UKIP are boring :D ..........



Oh yes they can, boring predictable.


As soon as the dictator "retired" the plebs have started to revolt. Well there's a surprise. Wait until the money man packs up his tent, he's already nailed Hamilton's & Carswell's ears back, and threatened to depart.


Cant say I'm finding politics boring at the moment...... I dunno which I prefer for entertainment value though.......


UKIP's fisticuffs?.......Or Labours Machiavellian back stabbing ? :D .......



Or the Tories double headed dud, facing both left and right at the same time, and not knowing what the hell to do.


If it was a smack from the left it surely had to be a featherweight tickle ... The right hook was definitely a super heavyweight smack ... Tha's never been any weight behind anything the left have delivered

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antony1969 - 2016-10-08 7:56 AM


starvin marvin - 2016-10-07 10:08 PM


pelmetman - 2016-10-06 10:11 PM


starvin marvin - 2016-10-06 8:24 PM


pelmetman - 2016-10-06 4:10 PM


At least folk can't say UKIP are boring :D ..........



Oh yes they can, boring predictable.


As soon as the dictator "retired" the plebs have started to revolt. Well there's a surprise. Wait until the money man packs up his tent, he's already nailed Hamilton's & Carswell's ears back, and threatened to depart.


Cant say I'm finding politics boring at the moment...... I dunno which I prefer for entertainment value though.......


UKIP's fisticuffs?.......Or Labours Machiavellian back stabbing ? :D .......



Or the Tories double headed dud, facing both left and right at the same time, and not knowing what the hell to do.


If it was a smack from the left it surely had to be a featherweight tickle ... The right hook was definitely a super heavyweight smack ... Tha's never been any weight behind anything the left have delivered


Sorry, the first bit I don't understand, I can only read English.


The second bit.....The NHS possibly, might even rank with you as the most important piece of work ever done by a British Government, unless of course you missed it.

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starvin marvin - 2016-10-08 8:01 PM


antony1969 - 2016-10-08 7:56 AM


starvin marvin - 2016-10-07 10:08 PM


pelmetman - 2016-10-06 10:11 PM


starvin marvin - 2016-10-06 8:24 PM


pelmetman - 2016-10-06 4:10 PM


At least folk can't say UKIP are boring :D ..........



Oh yes they can, boring predictable.


As soon as the dictator "retired" the plebs have started to revolt. Well there's a surprise. Wait until the money man packs up his tent, he's already nailed Hamilton's & Carswell's ears back, and threatened to depart.


Cant say I'm finding politics boring at the moment...... I dunno which I prefer for entertainment value though.......


UKIP's fisticuffs?.......Or Labours Machiavellian back stabbing ? :D .......



Or the Tories double headed dud, facing both left and right at the same time, and not knowing what the hell to do.


If it was a smack from the left it surely had to be a featherweight tickle ... The right hook was definitely a super heavyweight smack ... Tha's never been any weight behind anything the left have delivered


Sorry, the first bit I don't understand, I can only read English.


The second bit.....The NHS possibly, might even rank with you as the most important piece of work ever done by a British Government, unless of course you missed it.



Dont be sorry about not understanding the first bit it really probably says more about you than me ... The 2nd bit ? ... The NHS is a fine piece of work ... It is something that only a Labour government could of thought of ... Something that can never have enough funding , costs us a bundle constantly and falls way below its targets ... Other than that yes its the most important piece of work ever done by a British government if you say so

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with respect Stuart I seem to remember a few ping pongs of your own so glass houses might come into play .... They are discussions thats all .... If the start of the posts gives you a general idea of what is to come and you don't care for it then move ... Its quite easy to do
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antony1969 - 2016-10-09 10:03 AMwith respect Stuart I seem to remember a few ping pongs of your own so glass houses might come into play .... They are discussions thats all .... If the start of the posts gives you a general idea of what is to come and you don't care for it then move ... Its quite easy to do


You are right about me having ping ponged in the past, but you learn after a while that it goes nowhere, especially if you are hoping to get some illumination into a bigot, because he's not even listening.  Inevitably he will come back with another chunk of prejudice, kidding himself that it will counter yours, just as you are kidding yourself that his viewpoint will alter.


And it can get very boring for other readers when it drags on and spoils the thread because nothing really new is being said; just thought I'd mention.


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StuartO - 2016-10-09 10:52 AM
antony1969 - 2016-10-09 10:03 AMwith respect Stuart I seem to remember a few ping pongs of your own so glass houses might come into play .... They are discussions thats all .... If the start of the posts gives you a general idea of what is to come and you don't care for it then move ... Its quite easy to do


You are right about me having ping ponged in the past, but you learn after a while that it goes nowhere, especially if you are hoping to get some illumination into a bigot, because he's not even listening.  Inevitably he will come back with another chunk of prejudice, kidding himself that it will counter yours, just as you are kidding yourself that his viewpoint will alter.


And it can get very boring for other readers when it drags on and spoils the thread because nothing really new is being said; just thought I'd mention.

I've not seen any of those posts involving bigotry or any bigots so couldn't comment and I can't remember Duncan banning anyone for such a serious offence ... Maybe I missed them ... You've obviously seen the light and your a changed man and Im sure after what you say that you won't be falling off the wagon and engaging in any ping pongs in the future and if you what you say is correct that will be warmly welcomed by other readers
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StuartO - 2016-10-09 2:18 PMBigotry is intolerance towards people who hold different opinions.


I'm not going to get drawn into a ping pong posting session with you about this.  If you can't see the problem, try harder.

I'm not trying to draw anyone into anything Stuart ... If someone wants to post with a different view on something I've said then alls good , it's a free forum with freedom to express your views .... Even a dim northerner like myself knows the meaning of the word bigot and I don't think anyone on here is really intolerant of others views surely , they have the right to disagree though I would have thought
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