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Unwanted Calor Gas Bottles?


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I don't know how well known this is, but there is an opportunity to get rid of any old unwanted Calor Gas bottles and get £7.50 for them.


Not a lot of cash I know but probably more than most of us paid years ago and better than a poke in the eye with a blunt stick?




Best be quick as the 'offer' is only open to 31st October 2016

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Interesting.. I've got £30 worth sitting here but sadly the nearest return point is 80 miles away so they'll stay put.


I bet that the council pick-ups have been busy though returning all the bottles that build up at the local tips, sorry Recycling Centres. Some nice cash in hand for the workers :-)

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Looks like Calor have managed to shoot themselves in the foot again by being so inflexible?


Like you used to be able to swap almost any bottle for a different size or shape and now it is limited to specific and narrow groups.


Progress and customer care eh?


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We found 2 Calor Lite 6kg Propane bottles empty dumped in a hedge along with the some building rubbish, - fly tipping. The builders couldn't get any money back I would guess and simply slung them, that's if they where not stolen in the first place, but certainly unwanted.


I took both, took one back to a Calor supplier, no money since we didn't have the agreement but don't need it - and got one re-filled which we use for our BBQ, costs more to re-fill but less weight to carry on the site if we want our BBQ elsewhere - I guess we saved the initial rental fee.


We have 2 on the van which we do have tickets' for - beats me why there are so many unwanted Calor cylinders all over the place, - good thing is there is an amnesty, - suspect that Calor are short of bottles anyway?

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There must be thousands of unused and unwanted Calor bottles around the country and if Calor really wanted them back you would think they would try harder and involve their many many agents?


But they don't so I guess they either don't much care or are so far out of touch with the real world that they honestly believe people will drive lots of miles just to be out of pocket?



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As far as I’m aware Calor agents will accept unwanted Calor bottles back. You just won’t get any money for returning an unwanted bottle to a Calor agent unless you have the original Refill Agreement




but at least it will be off your hands. I’ve certainly disposed of unwanted empty Calor bottles in that manner.


The £7.50-minimum payment scheme is to encourage people with unwanted Calor bottles and no Refill Agreement documentation to return the bottles to Calor. The campaign involves Calor Centres but not Calor ‘retail’ agents, which is hardly surprising as those agents won’t be wanting to fork out £7.50 per bottle to all and sundry and then try to reclaim the payments from Calor.


Recycling centres will generally accept unwanted gas canisters, so that’s another avenue to explore id you want to dispose of an unwanted bottle.


Or you could advertise them for sale (illegally) on ebay.

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Yep - what worries me is the last time our Caravan / MH store was done, they nicked all the Gas bottles, from every vehicle on the site, maybe 40 vehicles !!! - Possibly for scrap value, and the calor store is just down the road (maybe 3 miles) from the store - - Since the print advises 5 bottles per person, - it could be quite a lucrative operation.



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A Calor canister is never ‘yours’. However you’ve acquired it the canister remains the property of Calor Gas. This is made clear on Calor’s website




"Cylinders remain the property of the Company at all times and may only be filled by the Company


The company makes the cylinder(s) available to the user as a means of safely transporting and storing the gas supplied. This agreement is not a rental agreement and it does not provide the user with title in the cylinder. The user will not part with possession or control of the cylinder(s) (other than to a CALOR outlet) nor claim to have any rights that conflict with this agreement, nor create or purport or attempt to create any agency or bailment in relation to the cylinder(s) or to the user’s obligations.”

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Archiesgrandad - 2016-10-15 6:54 PM


Our preferred restaurant in Prayssac is the Venus, just next to our pile of stones and almost opposite the aire.

I'm just desperate to get rid of all the unusable stuff we brought from the UK, somebody might be desperate.



I suspect that whether or not your 6kg Calor bottle might be desirable to a desperate holidamaker may depend on if it contains gas?

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  • 5 months later...
Thought I would be stuck with 2 6kg propane bottles as I was looking on Ebay for 2 6kg caller Lites, phones a local supplier up to see if they would swap my heavy ones for the Lites and they said I couldn't because they were a different group.
Then rang a different supplier and they said, no problem, straight swap, £25 to refill but loads lighter.
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Calor periodically revises its gas-bottle exchange policy.


The current policy is shown here




and it will be noted that (as was previously not the case) 6kg/“Calor Lite” bottles are now in the same Group B as the 7kg/butane and 6kg/propane bottles and, consequently, all three types can be freely interchanged.


Calor agents aren’t always up to speed with Calor’s bottle-exchange ‘rules' and, even if they are, may decide not to follow them. Supermarket agents, for instance, may choose to swap Calor bottles on a strict exact like-for-like basis.

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Really useful information -


I took my one Calor lite (I had 1 Calor lite, and 2 Full fat 6kg Propane) in and they have me a full weight one in exchange, think the guy was 1/2 asleep - I was in a rush so didn't query, they left it outside by the enclosure on the other side of the yard for me - ideally I would like to change so we have 3 lite's - and now I can, - Will save a few KG,s. (albeit that they are a little more expensive to get a refill).

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This all comes down to how much. Most know that Calor gas was/is over priced because they had a monopoly on bottled gas and they are desperate to cling to the enormous profit they made on each sale. BP and others entered the bottled gas market and treated consumers as valued customers instead of peasants. Then along came LPG at the pumps, then after a few false starts came the true, safe refillable gas bottle and Calor got their knickers in a twist.... and still have.
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keninpalamos - 2017-04-10 7:49 PMThis all comes down to how much. Most know that Calor gas was/is over priced because they had a monopoly on bottled gas and they are desperate to cling to the enormous profit they made on each sale. BP and others entered the bottled gas market and treated consumers as valued customers instead of peasants. Then along came LPG at the pumps, then after a few false starts came the true, safe refillable gas bottle and Calor got their knickers in a twist.... and still have.


I agree with that; Calor are shameless in exploiting their near monopoly of supplying rented gas bottles.  They have got their depots refusing to allow MHs to refill any gas bottles at their Autogas pumps on spurious safety grounds, just because they don't want people to use refillables in UK.


Fortunately there are other suppliers (like Flowgas depots) which will allow refilling from their autogas pumps as well as Shell and other petrol stations.  They are 20% cheaper too!


Take the trouble to seek out Flowgas depots as you travel and boycott Calor!


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