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I have tried Google and netscape and what ever to get a snow report. get taken off all over the world but can I find a snow resort weather forcast NO.

any help anyone. People I spoke to today said no snow around ?

perhaps i will just have to steal Brians Pic after all .....

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Hi Michele

For some Snow reports you can try the following websites:-

For nearly any ski resort see http://www.skiclub.co.uk/skiclub/reports/default.asp or



For Scotland see http://ski.visitscotland.com/


For Austria see http://www.tiscover.at

This one also gives you live webcam views of many Austrian resorts.

Or just type in "Ski reports" into google or Yahoo

If you look at my earler posting on "Tips for winter alps trip please" in chatterbox.

You will see that conditions are not good this season, but looking at the sites above you should be able to find where the best snow conditions are.

Wherever you go have a really great time.

As Sking is my ultimate passion I wish I was going back out soon, but I will wait and see what January brings. Doesn't stop the withdrawal pangs though.




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thanks can't stop laughing (lol) If only you knew the nearest I have ever been to a ski slope is getting pushed down it in a wheelchair by the old man after he has turfed the kid's out of it ..............


Still fun though still laughing spilt me tea again ...........

thanks for links Howard keeps promising to take me but our zimmer frames dont have wheel's .

serious want to find the snow for the two little Disabled dont think they have ever felt seen or touched it ? here's hoping



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Hi michele

Glad I got a laugh.

Honestly though you do not have to ski to enjoy the magic of Snow in the Mountains. You just need to do a little research to find a resort that offers you the alternative activities. I remember our first visit about 30 years ago, we went to do some winter walking and see the views, no intention of sking, but we got seriously hooked, but that's a long story. Anyway, one day around lunch time we were walking through a park near Innsbruck, it was a beautiful clear blue sky, sun shining through the bear tree branches covered in frost. Loking towards the sun it appeared that the trees were covered in lights with the sun sparkling on the front. A elderly Austrian lady came up to us and started talking (we couldn't understand a word of german then.) then she said "Wunderbar" pointing at the trees. It was a magical moment we will not forget.

There are so many experiences we hold very dear during our Sking holiday and only half of them are actually Sking. Like swimming in the pool at Seefeld (Austria again)and then through a space in the wall outside with steam rising of the water and our hair getting frosted in the cold. Or gioing down the Olympic Bobrun in a 4 man Bobsleigh just outside Innsbruck. Or a moonlight walk in 2-1/2' of fresh snow, sounds like hard work, but actually a ball. The first year we took our nephew and his family, his wife was crying at the beauty of the sun glinting on the snow like diamonds when she opened the curtains on her first morning.

I hope this gives you some ideas that are not beyond your family's capabilities, but also remember there are also a lot of people enjoying skiing with severe disabilities. Go gal and put some "Big Feet on the Zimmer frame, wheels get bogged down in the snow.

Oh, "Big Feet" are exactly what they say they are, feet shaped mini ski's.

How about a moonlite sleigh ride for the Kids, pulled by reindeer? You could do that too.



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It sounds wonderful fantastic somewhere \i\ would love to take my son \unfortunately the little ones can't walk so we could sit in the camper but we know we will ahve trouble with the buggy/ wheelchair.

cheers for the help wont rule it out.

Brian ,

Dum Blonde God yes will have to get him to look at this in the morning . I clicked everywhere have not a clue ..

Leave it to the men he will explain where it is and how Ican look at it .

when you said look in the light (I put the light on ) haha..

Cheers bought the snnow chains today paid 118 & 11,95 express delivery so hoping they will be with us in the next few day's

I am determined to sit in the snow and play with the bigger child snowball fights hope she like snow soon find out . been out and bought thick coats hats & gloves for the children today..


Cheer's everyone

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Depends when you are going, but firstly DON'T forget the Hats. Most of your heat loss is from your head. It would also be worthwhile looking at some thermal underwear and a cheap Ski Jacket and Trousers, for the those less active. You feel the cold more when sat around.

If you haven't already got the Gloves, I would recommend Mitts for the youngsters, and take some spares because they will get wet playing in the snow.


Although they look an attractive option and they do eliminate any cold gap between jacket & trousers, I wouldn't recommend a full Skisuit, as these can be a pain when going to the loo or you need to open them up to cool down. Other may disagree with this, as it is down to personnel preference, but nothing worst than it getting wet & dirty whilst on the loo and it's on the floor.I suggest you try somewhere like Aldi or TKmax, they usually have some. Last year our local Aldi the were selling C&A (remember them?) branded teenagers skiwear for less than £40 a set, childrens were cheaper but I can't remember the actual price. The jackets can be used at any time so they will get the full use of them afterwards.


Regarding the buggy/wheelchair, try to find a cheap plastic sledge. I have seen these used in Austria with buggies stood in them and tied down to the grab handles of the sledge. It looked a lot easier then trying to push wheels through fresh snow. I'm sure the little ones'would love to go on a bigger sledge and a they can accomodate disabled with little inginuity. Don't know costs, but again in Austria they have them forward facing, with a backrest and push handles. Difficult to explain, but like a push chair with sledge runners instead of wheels.


I know some of this may sound like stating the obvious, but as the Scouts say "be prepared".

I hope this is helpful and you have a tremendous time. Certainly the Kids will and that includes the BIG Kids.

That's why they refer to it as a "Winter Wonderland".


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You know what , That's really sweet of you X

Going to call in at Decathalon in Bologne to check out salapettes for us all

little one 11 but in nappies wont have any problems there I hope .


Will also check out a you say a sledge but she cannot hold on .

The Big one has not the brain to hold on > Well five minutes and then forgets the request but we will try you never know .

It would just be nice and feel real christmasy if we could wake up covered in snow just like brians picture .. We will enjoy what ever .

Your help is really sweet & I thank you for it .


Merry christmas ..

Ps anywhere in perticular you recommend with a nice town flat in town.

France if possible but don't have to be going to try and take in some xmas markets little one letting us of course.. take care

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Hi Michele

I haven't been to many areas in France, the big Ski areas tend to be purpose built and not very attractive. I saw in one of the other posting, you mentioned Chamonix. That is a traditional town, but a bit busy. It has extensive winter camping facilities.

There are a coulple of smaller resorts along the same valley Argentiere & La Tour again traditional, but villages. I don't know about winter camping facilities at these.

Another possibility might be Annecy, very picturesque in summer but I'm not sure about winter facilities.

Also La Cluza, is another traditional resort, I think the winter camping here is restricted to the Gondala lift car park.

Maybe others on the forum can help there seems to be a few Motorhoming Skiers out there. I'll start a post "Winter Fun in the French Alps - any recommendations"


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  • 3 weeks later...

Well Brian,


You were right again dont try to hard for the snow you said.


Well I did find it but only what had already landed .


Have piccy but tried to get it on but no luck I got hubby to change it into a jpeg but I think still to big forgot how big it can be to transfer & upload .



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  • 1 year later...
OK Michelle I need some advise on what clothes to take for about 6 or 7 weeks in May to July for Germany to France. Im losing sleep over this (lol) bearing in mind Ive got a husband that watches everything I load into the van wingeing about being overloaded. >:-)
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Oh God I can't help with Germany (come on you lot help ) But I would hope and imagine that they will be in to good weather by then.


I only ever take loads :D All summer T shirts loads some summer long sleeved just incase its chilly at night and you want to sit outside or go a walk or resturant . Then its a few good short cardys to cover with just incase . I always take all my shorts that kind of stuff but also I do take a couple of pairs of favorite long ones just never know if the weather changes ...might get cold legs *-)


I always take a few skirts I dont know why Howie always says I got trkey legs :D and a few dresses . Anyway you would be suprised what he wont see when you have ironed them all and tuck them in yourside of the cupboards .. :D


Come on you lot what the wetaher in May in Germany like


have a lovely trip

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Dear Michele. I,m having problems with the new wiper blades i,ve just fitted to my motorhome. Not cheap but proving to be rather noisy.

More of an annoyance than anything, but whenever I use them they go squeak squeak squeek or squeaksqueaksqueak depending on the wiper setting.

Any help or advice you can offer on how to resolve this problem would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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