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Dear Michele. My wife doesn't seem to understand me, as she blew her top when she found my stash of porn mag's under the bed. Do you think she is being unreasonable? or am I a mucky pervert as she suggests. Your help would be greatly appreciated, as I don't know whether to buy the latest edition of PVC & Leatherwear monthly & Uphill Gardeners World. Or should I play it safe and get Health & Efficiency, which is regarded as respectable reading for sun & sea lovers?

Regards. Peter

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maggyd - 2008-01-09 11:07 PM


OK Michelle I need some advise on what clothes to take for about 6 or 7 weeks in May to July for Germany to France. Im losing sleep over this (lol) bearing in mind Ive got a husband that watches everything I load into the van wingeing about being overloaded. >:-)


Maggie I had this problem last year, even being told not to take the mobile phone stand because of weight. Then what did we do, in March in the cold snowy mountains of Spain we stopped at a camp site overnight, and in the morning 3 Young English Lads Hitching for water aid Africa asked us for a lift, we could not leave them there (could have been our grandson in a few years, ) so we gave 3 strapping lads and thier back sacks a lift for 4oo miles, so much for saving weight, and it made no difference at all, so now I pack what I want. Carol.

:D :D

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J9withdogs - 2008-01-10 12:12 PM


Howie, until Michele comes up with the definitive solution to your problem - have you checked for mice? (lol)

Of course I,ve checked for mice Jan, along with the wife,s teeth and my 12V truss. Not that stupid.

Should have mentioned this only occures when its not raining so thats my next line of investigation.


If its any consolation, your wife does,nt understand me either Peter. The thought of you reading these disgusting porn mags fills me with despair, and if you wish to dispose of them quietly and discreetly then post them on to me where they will be dealt with the contempt they deserve.

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howie - 2008-01-10 12:03 PM


Dear Michele. I,m having problems with the new wiper blades i,ve just fitted to my motorhome. Not cheap but proving to be rather noisy.

More of an annoyance than anything, but whenever I use them they go squeak squeak squeek or squeaksqueaksqueak depending on the wiper setting.

Any help or advice you can offer on how to resolve this problem would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Wiper blades are one of the most neglected components on vehicles today. Many blades are cracked, split, torn, brittle, worn or otherwise in obvious need of replacement. Others may look okay, but do a lousy job of wiping when put to the test.


Ninety percent of all driving decisions are based on a clear unobstructed view of the road, which means good visibility is absolutely essential -- especially during wet weather when vision may be obscured by water, road splash, sleet or snow on the windshield. But good visibility requires wipers that are in good condition. If the wipers are chattering, streaking or otherwise failing to wipe cleanly and consistently, you need new blades -- NOW!


Most experts say wiper blades should be replaced every six to twelve months for optimum performance and driving visibility. That’s because wiper blades don’t last forever. Natural rubber deteriorates over time. Halogen-hardened rubber as well as synthetic rubber provides longer life. But eventually all blade materials fall victim to environmental factors. Exposure to sunlight and ozone causes the rubber to age, even if the wipers aren’t used much.


As a set of blades age, they lose much of their flip-over flexibility and they’re less able to wipe cleanly. They may develop a permanent set (called "parked" rubber) or curvature which prevents full contact with the windshield. This tends to be more of a problem on vehicles that are parked outside in the hot sun all day. The sun bakes and hardens the rubber. Then when the wipers are needed, they streak and chatter because they’ve taken a set and won’t follow the curvature of the windshield. It can be very annoying as well as dangerous.


Cold weather can affect blade life, too. Freezing temperatures makes rubber hard and brittle, which increases the tendency to crack and split. The holders can also become clogged with ice and snow, preventing the holder from distributing spring tension evenly over the blade. The blade "freezes up" and leaves streaks as it skips across the glass.


Heavy use can be hard on wiper blades, too, because dust, abrasives, road grime and even bug juice wear away the edge that the blades need to wipe cleanly. As the blade loses its edge (which is precision cut square to maximize the squeegee effect), water gets under the blade and remains on the glass. The result is reduced visibility and poor wiping action.


Any blade that’s chattering, streaking or doing a lousy job of wiping, therefore, is a blade that’s overdue for replacement. The same goes for any blade that is cracked, torn, nicked or otherwise damaged.


Checking Your Blades

A simple check is to try your windshield washers. If the blades are not in good condition, you’ll see why when they attempt to wipe the washer solvent off the glass. Streaking, chattering or any other problems will be clearly obvious.


This test also gives you the opportunity to check your windshield washer system. Do both squirters work? If not, a nozzle may be plugged with dirt or a hose may be kinked or loose. Does the spray hit the windshield where it is supposed to? If not, the nozzles need adjusting. Does the washer pump deliver an adequate stream of solvent? If not, the vehicle may have a weak washer pump, or a clogged, kinked or loose hose. Most washer reservoirs have a screen to filter out debris that could clog or damage the pump. If this screen itself is buried under debris, it can choke off the flow of solvent to the washers.


After you’ve checked the windshield wipers, check the rear wiper too if your vehicle has a rear wiper system. Many sport utility vehicles, vans, minivans, station wagons, hatchbacks and fastbacks do. After all, it’s just as important to see what’s behind you when backing up in the rain as it is to see what’s ahead. You can use the same test (try the rear windshield washer, if so equipped), or simply spray some water onto the glass with a squeeze bottle and see how the wiper performs.


Other Factors That Affect Your Wipers

How well the wiper blades perform also depends on the condition of the wiper arms and holders. A blade’s wiping ability is affected by the amount of spring tension on the wiper arm, the number of pressure points or claws that hold the blade, and the design of the blade itself. If the springs in the arms are weak (which is more apt to be a problem in older vehicles), the wipers may not be pressed against the glass firmly enough to wipe cleanly. Replacing the blades won’t make any difference because the problem is weak arms not bad blades.


If the blades can be pulled away from the glass with little resistance, it’s time for new arms. Most vehicle manufacturers publish tension specs for their arms. If the arm doesn’t meet the spec, it needs to be replaced.


Remember to check the tension on the rear wiper arm, too, because rear wiper arms are often damaged by drive-through car wash rollers.


Wind lift is another factor that can interfere with good wiping action at highway speeds. Many windshields are steeply sloped to improve aerodynamics. But steeply raked windshields with a lot of glass area direct more wind against the wipers. This can lift the blades away from the glass at high speed unless the wiper system and blades are designed to counter the aerodynamic forces. Some blades have specially designed vents and airfoils to minimize lift and/or generate downforce to keep the blades in constant contact with the glass as speed increases. If your original equipment blade holders need to be replaced, be sure the replacements have the same anti-wind lift design.


Another factor to keep in mind is the design of the blade holder. A blade holder needs to distribute the tension of the wiper arm evenly over the blade while also allowing the blade to flex as it follows the changing curvature of the glass. The better quality replacement blade holders typically have six to eight claws to spread the pressure of the wiper arm over the blade. More claws also increases flexibility so the blades don’t lose contact at the sides of the glass.



I do hope this Helps you


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BGD - 2008-01-10 12:11 PM


Dear Michele -


I think I am lesbian trapped inside a man's body, because I fancy women.


Please help.



Bruce.Not too long ago, when you came out to someone as a lesbian, you would often receive the response, But you can't be a lesbian! You don't look like one! I am never quite sure how to respond to that remark, but I am always sure it was not a compliment. We all know that lesbians differ in appearance as much as any heterosexual woman. However, it can be fun to play with the stereotypes.


The Butch Lesbian.

This woman generally wears her hair very short, can be fairly box'ish in build and/or muscular. She would never be seen in make-up or dresses, but if the situation demands it, she looks quite uncomfortable -- almost like a man-in-drag. Her stride is very masculine and purposeful. Overall, a butch woman has a very take-charge attitude and personality, and does not take any guff from anyone -- other than her lover, but that is another issue entirely.


The Femme Lesbian.

This woman is most comfortable in the role of a wife. Femmes generally pair up with butch lesbians, though it is not unheard of to see femmes with femmes or androgynes types. Femme lesbians are usually very feminine, very comfortable in dresses, make-up and styled hair. Most femmes are mistaken for heterosexual women and often complain lesbians usually ignore them.


The Lipstick Lesbian.

This woman tends to wear make-up and dress in a very feminine manner. Some believe that the lipstick lesbian is experimenting sexually and will return to the safety of a heterosexual life.


The Political Lesbian.

This woman has rejected the patriarchal society and surrounds herself with womyn only. She tends to insist very strongly on womyn only space most everywhere she goes.


The Non-Lesbian Lesbian.

Most often found in colleges, this woman dates men and has physical relationships with her roommates or friends. When one of her roommates/friends falls in love with her, she will declare she is not a lesbian -- she likes men! This one leaves broken hearts in her wake.


The Lesbian-Trapped-In-A-Man's-Body.

We cannot forget this guy. Generally, he is a man who has befriended many lesbians. He will declare himself readily and assumes he is quite original. This guy can be fun -- if not taken too seriously.


So, can you find yourself in any of those descriptions? No? Well, maybe a little of each then -- although hopefully you are not trapped in a male body! Hopefully you had fun with this little exercise... and do let me know if I missed your favorite stereotype.


Until next time...








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peter - 2008-01-10 1:33 PM


Dear Michele. My wife doesn't seem to understand me, as she blew her top when she found my stash of porn mag's under the bed. Do you think she is being unreasonable? or am I a mucky pervert as she suggests. Your help would be greatly appreciated, as I don't know whether to buy the latest edition of PVC & Leatherwear monthly & Uphill Gardeners World. Or should I play it safe and get Health & Efficiency, which is regarded as respectable reading for sun & sea lovers?

Regards. Peter


Help For Pornography Addicts

If either you or a loved one has become addicted to pornography, there is help available. You DO NOT have to continue in slavery to pornography!


This first section will deal with my own advice regarding this addiction to the addict. The second section will have a host of services that can help you. Some of the helps listed here are counseling services, accountability and content monitoring software services or self-help books. I highly suggest contacting some of these self-help services as I have already written out here everything I would tell you. There are services for those who are addicted and for their families listed below.


"Wisdom is knowing reality and adjusting yourself to it"question is do you know yourself

;-) ;-)

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michele - 2008-01-10 6:36 PM


howie - 2008-01-10 12:03 PM


Dear Michele. I,m having problems with the new wiper blades i,ve just fitted to my motorhome. Not cheap but proving to be rather noisy.

More of an annoyance than anything, but whenever I use them they go squeak squeak squeek or squeaksqueaksqueak depending on the wiper setting.

Any help or advice you can offer on how to resolve this problem would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Wiper blades are one of the most neglected components on vehicles today. Many blades are cracked, split, torn, brittle, worn or otherwise in obvious need of replacement. Others may look okay, but do a lousy job of wiping when put to the test.


Ninety percent of all driving decisions are based on a clear unobstructed view of the road, which means good visibility is absolutely essential -- especially during wet weather when vision may be obscured by water, road splash, sleet or snow on the windshield. But good visibility requires wipers that are in good condition. If the wipers are chattering, streaking or otherwise failing to wipe cleanly and consistently, you need new blades -- NOW!


Most experts say wiper blades should be replaced every six to twelve months for optimum performance and driving visibility. That’s because wiper blades don’t last forever. Natural rubber deteriorates over time. Halogen-hardened rubber as well as synthetic rubber provides longer life. But eventually all blade materials fall victim to environmental factors. Exposure to sunlight and ozone causes the rubber to age, even if the wipers aren’t used much.


As a set of blades age, they lose much of their flip-over flexibility and they’re less able to wipe cleanly. They may develop a permanent set (called "parked" rubber) or curvature which prevents full contact with the windshield. This tends to be more of a problem on vehicles that are parked outside in the hot sun all day. The sun bakes and hardens the rubber. Then when the wipers are needed, they streak and chatter because they’ve taken a set and won’t follow the curvature of the windshield. It can be very annoying as well as dangerous.


Cold weather can affect blade life, too. Freezing temperatures makes rubber hard and brittle, which increases the tendency to crack and split. The holders can also become clogged with ice and snow, preventing the holder from distributing spring tension evenly over the blade. The blade "freezes up" and leaves streaks as it skips across the glass.


Heavy use can be hard on wiper blades, too, because dust, abrasives, road grime and even bug juice wear away the edge that the blades need to wipe cleanly. As the blade loses its edge (which is precision cut square to maximize the squeegee effect), water gets under the blade and remains on the glass. The result is reduced visibility and poor wiping action.


Any blade that’s chattering, streaking or doing a lousy job of wiping, therefore, is a blade that’s overdue for replacement. The same goes for any blade that is cracked, torn, nicked or otherwise damaged.


Checking Your Blades

A simple check is to try your windshield washers. If the blades are not in good condition, you’ll see why when they attempt to wipe the washer solvent off the glass. Streaking, chattering or any other problems will be clearly obvious.


This test also gives you the opportunity to check your windshield washer system. Do both squirters work? If not, a nozzle may be plugged with dirt or a hose may be kinked or loose. Does the spray hit the windshield where it is supposed to? If not, the nozzles need adjusting. Does the washer pump deliver an adequate stream of solvent? If not, the vehicle may have a weak washer pump, or a clogged, kinked or loose hose. Most washer reservoirs have a screen to filter out debris that could clog or damage the pump. If this screen itself is buried under debris, it can choke off the flow of solvent to the washers.


After you’ve checked the windshield wipers, check the rear wiper too if your vehicle has a rear wiper system. Many sport utility vehicles, vans, minivans, station wagons, hatchbacks and fastbacks do. After all, it’s just as important to see what’s behind you when backing up in the rain as it is to see what’s ahead. You can use the same test (try the rear windshield washer, if so equipped), or simply spray some water onto the glass with a squeeze bottle and see how the wiper performs.


Other Factors That Affect Your Wipers

How well the wiper blades perform also depends on the condition of the wiper arms and holders. A blade’s wiping ability is affected by the amount of spring tension on the wiper arm, the number of pressure points or claws that hold the blade, and the design of the blade itself. If the springs in the arms are weak (which is more apt to be a problem in older vehicles), the wipers may not be pressed against the glass firmly enough to wipe cleanly. Replacing the blades won’t make any difference because the problem is weak arms not bad blades.


If the blades can be pulled away from the glass with little resistance, it’s time for new arms. Most vehicle manufacturers publish tension specs for their arms. If the arm doesn’t meet the spec, it needs to be replaced.


Remember to check the tension on the rear wiper arm, too, because rear wiper arms are often damaged by drive-through car wash rollers.


Wind lift is another factor that can interfere with good wiping action at highway speeds. Many windshields are steeply sloped to improve aerodynamics. But steeply raked windshields with a lot of glass area direct more wind against the wipers. This can lift the blades away from the glass at high speed unless the wiper system and blades are designed to counter the aerodynamic forces. Some blades have specially designed vents and airfoils to minimize lift and/or generate downforce to keep the blades in constant contact with the glass as speed increases. If your original equipment blade holders need to be replaced, be sure the replacements have the same anti-wind lift design.


Another factor to keep in mind is the design of the blade holder. A blade holder needs to distribute the tension of the wiper arm evenly over the blade while also allowing the blade to flex as it follows the changing curvature of the glass. The better quality replacement blade holders typically have six to eight claws to spread the pressure of the wiper arm over the blade. More claws also increases flexibility so the blades don’t lose contact at the sides of the glass.



I do hope this Helps you


Hoped for a more detailed reply, but something to go on with I suppose. :-(
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howie - 2008-01-10 6:24 PM


J9withdogs - 2008-01-10 12:12 PM


Howie, until Michele comes up with the definitive solution to your problem - have you checked for mice? (lol)

Of course I,ve checked for mice Jan, along with the wife,s teeth and my 12V truss. Not that stupid.

Should have mentioned this only occures when its not raining so thats my next line of investigation.


If its any consolation, your wife does,nt understand me either Peter. The thought of you reading these disgusting porn mags fills me with despair, and if you wish to dispose of them quietly and discreetly then post them on to me where they will be dealt with the contempt they deserve.

O/K Howie on their way in a brown envelope. (lol)
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Back in April of last year I asked about writing a book .

Well i have decided i need a proof writer as you all obviously have guessed I am crap with spelling and grammar and all the rest of it ...


Anyway i was trying a search and for the life of me I cannot remember what I titled it can anyone help what did I call it when everyone tried to help me.


Please help again I want to read about proof writing i think thats what you call it.



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peter - 2008-01-10 7:55 PM


Good idea. I'll have to give that some consideration. But do I still keep reading the mag's?. (lol)

Well I suppose unless you want to keep you brother in sin Howie you should give it up. :D But if it floats your boat then who am I to sink it. :D

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michele - 2008-01-11 11:15 PM


Back in April of last year I asked about writing a book .

Well i have decided i need a proof writer as you all obviously have guessed I am crap with spelling and grammar and all the rest of it ...


Anyway i was trying a search and for the life of me I cannot remember what I titled it can anyone help what did I call it when everyone tried to help me.


Please help again I want to read about proof writing i think thats what you call it.








nighty night - don't let the bed bugs bite



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Shouldn,t be to difficult Jan. The odd spelling mistake now and then perhaps, but nothing to worry about. ;-)


Had my new tooth fitted yesterday and finally settled for one on a small plate. The cost of a permanent one would have been around £600, but this apart, the dentist thinks one of the adjoining teeth might come loose as well in the near future, and at least if this happens a new tooth can be easily fitted to the existing plate.

Feels a bit strange, but i,ll just have to get used to it. Only for special occasions anyway so no big problem.


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peter - 2008-01-10 1:33 PM


Dear Michele. My wife doesn't seem to understand me, as she blew her top when she found my stash of porn mag's under the bed. Do you think she is being unreasonable? or am I a mucky pervert as she suggests. Your help would be greatly appreciated, as I don't know whether to buy the latest edition of PVC & Leatherwear monthly & Uphill Gardeners World. Or should I play it safe and get Health & Efficiency, which is regarded as respectable reading for sun & sea lovers?

Regards. Peter

Miss Scotland may solve your problem Peteer,
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peter - 2008-01-10 1:33 PM


Dear Michele. My wife doesn't seem to understand me, as she blew her top when she found my stash of porn mag's under the bed. Do you think she is being unreasonable? or am I a mucky pervert as she suggests. Your help would be greatly appreciated, as I don't know whether to buy the latest edition of PVC & Leatherwear monthly & Uphill Gardeners World. Or should I play it safe and get Health & Efficiency, which is regarded as respectable reading for sun & sea lovers?

Regards. Peter

Miss Scotland may solve your problem Peter, not agian Didnt work J9 J9 J9, were,s me mogadon
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J9withdogs - 2008-01-12 12:01 PM


Dennis, may I suggest you change your medication? Try vodka - it works for me :D


8-) Them People in White coats wont allow me to Drink as well. 8-) if I send it to you could you send it to Peter "it is Clean "
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