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driving from uk to europe


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This would be a great subject for the scare mongers, doom and despondency all around. I can see private Frazer (Dad's Army) now if he were a member on the forum...We're doomed,DOOMED, aye marooned and doomed. I suspect most on here are old enough to remember crossing the channel having to show passports and changing our £s to Francs etc. before we joined the EU. Just a minute, don't we do that now. Life is to short to concern myself with such piffle. These Eurocrats are determined to do away with democracy in our country and Europe and they are in power because they have been rejected by their own country... failures, losers, most of which have never done a days work in their lives. All they are concerned about is keeping their snouts in the Euro trough filled with OUR money. Eleven countries out of twenty eight pay into the EU coffers. The UK pays in more than any other country bar Germany Isn't that right Mr Kinnock. At least we can vote our MPs out of power in our country. We don't get a say in who represents us in Europe and if they are no good we cannot vote them out.. Grin and bear the short term pain for the long term gain and the future of the generation to come. And think on, would your father be happy being ruled by JC Juncker of Luxembourg or some Austrian living in Germany? I doubt it. So to sum up, driving from England to Europe will only be as difficult as you wish to make it, so drive with a smile on your face and enjoy your hobby you may not have it long..........Sorry about that. End of rant. :-)
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keninpalamos - 2016-10-30 9:05 AM

These Eurocrats are determined to do away with democracy in our country and Europe and they are in power because they have been rejected by their own country... failures, losers, most of which have never done a days work in their lives. All they are concerned about is keeping their snouts in the Euro trough filled with OUR money. .....(waffle removed).......We don't get a say in who represents us in Europe and if they are no good we cannot vote them out.. .......

A far cry from England's Democratic Head of State and House of Lords *-)

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John52 - 2016-10-30 11:12 AM


keninpalamos - 2016-10-30 9:05 AM

These Eurocrats are determined to do away with democracy in our country and Europe and they are in power because they have been rejected by their own country... failures, losers, most of which have never done a days work in their lives. All they are concerned about is keeping their snouts in the Euro trough filled with OUR money. .....(waffle removed).......We don't get a say in who represents us in Europe and if they are no good we cannot vote them out.. .......

A far cry from England's Democratic Head of State and House of Lords *-)

Yes I agree, a very far cry. Off with his head! (lol)
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There was never a problem driving to Europe or through Europe, before the EU was ever thought of, you just had to show your passport at the borders.


The only restrictions in the late 60s was the amount of cash you could take out of the country.


I first drove over there in the early sixties. You just needed your passport, a green card and travel insurance.

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I really cannot see why all the 'worry'.....

.Whats the difference whether its 'Europe' (a 'country which actually does NOT exist, only a name given by those who want to make the maximum out of those countries geographically (or politically!) within it!) or driving anywhere else in the world.


You abide by the rules wherever you drive, and if taking a vehicle, obviously there are certain things to consider.

I cannot see why there is any excuse for increased insurance either, France is France, and always will be, and I cannot see any difference is there is a fictitious line drawn on paper around it!

We drove there before before 'Europe' existed other than a geographical continent, and it was no difference other than sometimes going through a 'border' control. which we do now, well most times anyway!

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daviddwight - 2016-10-30 1:49 PM


There was never a problem driving to Europe or through Europe, before the EU was ever thought of, you just had to show your passport at the borders.


The only restrictions in the late 60s was the amount of cash you could take out of the country.


I first drove over there in the early sixties. You just needed your passport, a green card and travel insurance.




I first went over there about the same time as you and one thing I always remember was that the RAC used to supply a sticker to go on the inside of the windscreen which showed continental traffic signs, many of which were different to ours.



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In the 80s I was living in Jersey, and had to obtain a Jersey Driving licence in place of the UK one. I remember that , to drive on the Continent, we had to go to the AA office in St Helier, and get an International Driving licence as the Jersey one wasn't widely recognised!! Happy Days...!
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keninpalamos - 2016-10-30 9:05 AM


, So to sum up, driving from England to Europe will only be as difficult as you wish to make it, so drive with a smile on your face and enjoy your hobby you may not have it long..........Sorry about that. End of rant. :-)




Well, technically, you can of course spend all your holidays in Europe without ever leaving the U.K.



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As above, if your talking present time nothing has changed, we havent left the EU and its not certain we ever will (hopefully). The only change so far is thanks to the vote the pound has crashed so everything is much more expensive.


If we do leave the EU however at some time in the distant future and we leave properly we will have the same rights to visit as any other none EU country which may mean visas but will definitely mean a maximum stay of just three months in any six.


I suspect insurance both vehicle and travel will go up in price, we may lose the EHIC health card so if you fall ill you had better hope your travel insurance covers you (pre condition clauses?). Roaming rates that were to be abolished will no doubt go up.


So at the moment its fine but if your planning any long tours I would do them now if I were you. :-(

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Barryd999 - 2016-10-31 9:08 AM


As above, if your talking present time nothing has changed, we havent left the EU and its not certain we ever will (hopefully). The only change so far is thanks to the vote the pound has crashed so everything is much more expensive.


If we do leave the EU however at some time in the distant future and we leave properly we will have the same rights to visit as any other none EU country which may mean visas but will definitely mean a maximum stay of just three months in any six.


I suspect insurance both vehicle and travel will go up in price, we may lose the EHIC health card so if you fall ill you had better hope your travel insurance covers you (pre condition clauses?). Roaming rates that were to be abolished will no doubt go up.


So at the moment its fine but if your planning any long tours I would do them now if I were you. :-(

Come come Barry, you are making it sound like the end of the world. The £ has returned to where it was a couple of years ago, Three weeks ago it was stated by the chancellor that he thought it was a case of the fat finger :-D (Thats our chancillor not Germany's) This is just a temporary fall, ok ,a pain in the backside I know but things will Improve. We never had visas before we joined the EU, You'll still be able to buy a BMW etc. After all we import more from the EU than we sell, so I can't see them cutting of their joint noses to spite their many faces. And if T May doesn't get us out ( and out means out which means we are not still piling our hard earned cash into the countries thet pay nothing we can vote her out, where as you won't be voting out mr J C Joncker out any time soon ...or ever.. The reason the EU are so annoyed at the British peoples vote to leave is that hopefully they won't get there hands on your money unless you want them to!
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The truth is nobody knows what will happen after Brexit, not even the Government! One thing that concerns me that nobody has mentioned because probably nobody knows the answer is what is going to happen to the European pet passport? If I can't take my dog on the continent my motorhome goes up for sale and I guess many more will as well.
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Petra - 2016-10-31 3:00 PMThe truth is nobody knows what will happen after Brexit, not even the Government! One thing that concerns me that nobody has mentioned because probably nobody knows the answer is what is going to happen to the European pet passport? If I can't take my dog on the continent my motorhome goes up for sale and I guess many more will as well.


The Pet Passport Scheme is an international one, not just EU, as far as I know.  I've met people who've used it to take their dogs to Florida with them on holiday from UK.  Apparently their air freight costs were more than human air fares!


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