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Dometic Seitz window blinds


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Our ih PVC has Dometic Seitz concertina window blinds. These appear to be made of a paper material with a coat of paint or similar. On two of ours, this coating is coming off in patches, which shows as areas of light and suggests (to us) that the blinds won't last much longer. ih have taken the matter up with their suppliers, but the answer came back that we had cleaned them 'inappropriately' and therefore were not covered by the warranty. Cleaning by us has been merely a light wipe with a duster. Ongoing arguments, then!

I wondered if anyone with these types of blinds (and they are a common enough article) have had similar problems, and how/if they have been resolved.


Neil B

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Hi,my blinds are the same on my Galaxy Drreamfinder.I'v had the van 3 years but it's 2004 they don't seem get any worse so we don't worrey about it,sorry we can't be more helpfull.From a fellow potter Baz.

ps we don't try to clean them ,to delicate.

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Hi Neil, we are on our 4th ih all fitted with same blinds. Over the course of 12 years never experienced this. However we only wipe clean the plastic casing not the paper blinds, too worried about fragility? Perhaps a faulty batch? Sorry can't be of further assistance.


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As your motorhome was purchased new in May 2015 I can understand why you are unhappy.


I assume your IH-600S has the type of pleated blinds shown in this short video-clip



You’ve said that the only blind-material cleaning you’ve carried out has been a light wipe with a duster (which should definitely not cause damage unless the duster were contaminated) and I presume you’ve made this point very firmly to IH.


I would have thought that, if IH has seen the two blinds that have their outer coating detaching, it should not be difficult for them to decide whether this is due to a problem with the blind-material itself rather than caused by ‘inappropriate cleaning’. And if IH concludes that you are not at fault, I’d expect them to tell their blind-supplier that this is their professional opinion and insist that the supplier takes up the matter with Dometic/Seitz.


It needs to be said that IH motorhomes are far from cheap and, even if the blind-supplier and Dometic/Seitz refuse to replace the damaged blinds under warranty, I’d hope that IH would do so. I don’t know what the wording of IH’s warranty is (or how long the warranty lasts) but just because IH may wish to offload the cost of replacing your two damaged blinds on to the blinds’ manufacturer or supplier, unless the IH warranty specifically excludes the blinds (or IH agrees with the supplier’s view that you are responsible for the damage) it seems to me that IH should be prepared to bear the cost of replacement under their own warranty (or even as a good-will gesture).


There are plenty of negative on-line comments about Seitz pleated blinds




but seemingly none about the type of damage you’ve mentioned showing up so quickly from new. It’s understandable perhaps that (as on Baz’s 2004 motorhome) the pleated blind-material might well degenerate over an extended time-period. But since mid-2015? I don’t think so!


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Thanks for replies. ih are going to replace one of the blinds cassettes, and send that to the suppliers for assessment, and if that outcome is satisfactory to us, the second unit will be done too.

The warranty on these things is one year, and of course we didn't raise the matter with ih until after this time, but they are being fair enough taking the line they are.

Just have to wait and see..........


Neil B


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