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fiamma gearbox replacement


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I need to replace the gearbox (part no.98655-106) on my Fiamma Zip awning. The existing unit deteriorated rapidly and was very difficult to wind back in when last examined. I am reluctant to "wind" out again to fit the replacement without some clues as to how to proceed. I can see that the end cap needs to be removed and recall seeing several screw heads when last examining the unit but not sure what parts they were securing. I now have the replacement part but it arrived with no instructions. Any tips greatly appreciated.
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Job done with thanks to all who contributed.

The gearbox I had been sent was correct for my awning so there is obviously compatibility between the F45 and the Zip range (for that size of awning at least).

The video was helpful even though slightly different method required. Here's how it goes for any one else who fancies a DIY approach.

Unwind your awning fully at the start. (Failure to do this results in you shouting for your wife to come and help as you try to prevent the tensioned arms from straightening themselves out and unwinding the rest of the awning as soon as you undo the gearbox!!!)

Undo the screw just inside the end cap (about 4 o clock), this will allow the bottom of the end cap to be pulled forwards towards the winding eye.

I struggled a bit working out how to remove the whole cap, not being sure exactly how and where it was held in place and not wanting to apply force in the wrong place (it doesn't "fall off" like the one in Fiamma's video!!).

Eventually working from above with a large flat screwdriver it popped off. There are two moulded pressure clips on the inside of the top curved part at about 11 and 1 o clock.

There was no pop rivet fixing (as per video) on my Zip only three cross head screws attaching the gearbox mounting plate to the long body section. Once these are removed, support the bar that the awning winds around and pull the gearbox and mounting plate away from it. This will reveal a nylon bush and the square "drive" on the end of the winding bar. I am not sure how your fully wound out awning will react at this point because this was when I discovered my mistake in not doing that with mine. Hopefully there will be very little movement anywhere. (as in the video)

The gearbox is held by two cross head set screws on the inside of the mounting plate. Remove and fit new gearbox in same position and off you go and put it all back.

Allow about an hour for the whole job and I reckon it could be a one person job.

Hope this is useful and thanks again guys.


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