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Teresa playing her hand well?


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In the run up to negotiations with the EU, in order to achieve a reasonable result, our PM and her team will have to at least create a credible impression that they are willing to go for a hard Brexit, to worry the EU guys that that's what they will face if they refuse us a deal based on open trading without unrestricted migration.  A hard Brexit will be destabilising and damaging to the EU and to lots of EU countries as well as being more risky to us.


If this is what Teresa is trying to do I think she's doing quite well at the moment.  The press accusing her of vacuousness and the Liberals trumpeting about a second vote and even a second referendum will be helpful to her in this pre-negotiation phase as long as she stick to her guns and refuses to reveal her negotiating strategy.  I think she could be playing this really quite well.


David Davis revealing that we might pay something to the EU for access to the free market might be quite clever too - showing a chink of light that the EU side could be positive about.  Nice to see that Hollande has announced he will not stand for re-election too.


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Guest pelmetman

Still get the feeling that the remoaners will try and stitch her up, so she'll have no option but to call a early election ;-) .......


Then it'll be England and Wales against London and Scotland >:-) ........





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pelmetman - 2016-12-02 11:30 AM


Still get the feeling that the remoaners will try and stitch her up, so she'll have no option but to call a early election ;-) .......


Then it'll be England and Wales against London and Scotland >:-) ........





Do not believe all you read in the newspapers. Wee Burney is not the most popular person up herenow she wants to tax us more than England and even worse......increase the price of booze. She keeps deluding herself that she has a mandate but winning seats at Holyrood was not that difficult aaginst a Labour Party in total decline. She keeps stating that 62% of Scots voted to remain in the EU. On paper that is true but it was 62% of those who actually voted, not all Scots voters as a very large number did not bother. So the true figure is more like 30% of the total electorate. But she never lets the truth get in the way of a good whinge.

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Guest pelmetman
Dave225 - 2016-12-04 2:39 PM


pelmetman - 2016-12-02 11:30 AM


Still get the feeling that the remoaners will try and stitch her up, so she'll have no option but to call a early election ;-) .......


Then it'll be England and Wales against London and Scotland >:-) ........





Do not believe all you read in the newspapers. Wee Burney is not the most popular person up herenow she wants to tax us more than England and even worse......increase the price of booze. She keeps deluding herself that she has a mandate but winning seats at Holyrood was not that difficult aaginst a Labour Party in total decline. She keeps stating that 62% of Scots voted to remain in the EU. On paper that is true but it was 62% of those who actually voted, not all Scots voters as a very large number did not bother. So the true figure is more like 30% of the total electorate. But she never lets the truth get in the way of a good whinge.


So there's hope for UKIP North of the border? :D ........



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pelmetman - 2016-12-04 3:51 PM


Dave225 - 2016-12-04 2:39 PM


pelmetman - 2016-12-02 11:30 AM


Still get the feeling that the remoaners will try and stitch her up, so she'll have no option but to call a early election ;-) .......


Then it'll be England and Wales against London and Scotland >:-) ........





Do not believe all you read in the newspapers. Wee Burney is not the most popular person up herenow she wants to tax us more than England and even worse......increase the price of booze. She keeps deluding herself that she has a mandate but winning seats at Holyrood was not that difficult aaginst a Labour Party in total decline. She keeps stating that 62% of Scots voted to remain in the EU. On paper that is true but it was 62% of those who actually voted, not all Scots voters as a very large number did not bother. So the true figure is more like 30% of the total electorate. But she never lets the truth get in the way of a good whinge.


So there's hope for UKIP North of the border? :D ........



Noy really. If you see the 'slob' they have up here as MEP you would realise that they have not done themselves any favours. Ironically it is the Tories who are making ground but they are not likely to ever get a majority again. We will probably end up with a European type system of coalitions. Is that good or bad??? i do not know.


Most Scots are happy to be part of Britain but we do have differences in many ways of looking at things. That is no bad thing as it creates balance for all the UK. Of course if our football team could get off its b..t and beat England then all would be hunky dory, but wishes....................?

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