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Omni step


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There are several different designs of electrically-operated Omnisteps, but I’m guessing you are concerned about the ‘slide-out’ variety as the mechanism of these is likely to be the trickiest to access.


There’s been a good deal of earlier forum discussion about Omnistep problems, including provision of links to Omnistep instructions that carry advice about what to do if an extended slide-out step won’t retract. However, since Thule took over marketing of these steps, none of those links seem to work any more.


If you download the Manual_Slide-Out_Step_12V_400-550-700_SDA901-10.pdf file from the User Manual downloads section on here




I think the “IN CASE OF ELECTRIC BREAKDOWN” advice for a slide-out Thule step (see Page 7) will also apply to a slide-out Omnistep.


Briefly, the step’s front plate is removed; the operating arms are diconnectedd from the footboard; the footboard is slid out from the step’s ‘cassette’; the front plate is replaced.

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It's not quite that straightforward.


Most important remove the fuse before you open up, just in case the power returns. The mechanism could guilotine off a finger with no effort.


You then have to detach the whole unit to get at the innards,, at least that's what I had to do when mine stuck about 7 years ago. I could only detach the arms once the unit was on the ground and I could take off the top.


It's not complicated but it is time consuming.




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I’ve finally found some (2006) instructions relating to pre-Thule slide-out Omni-Steps




and, as I thought might be the case, the advice about what to do if an older slide-out Omni-Step cannot be retracted electrically is the same as that provided for current Thule equivalents.


In principle - if a slide-out Omni-Step is stuck in its fully extended position - it should be possible to detach the operating arms and remove the footboard without needing to remove the complete step-unit from the motorhome. In this 2008 forum discussion (which relates primarily to a step being stuck IN not OUT) Brian Kirby describes disassembly and warns of potential dangers




(It’s perhaps worth adding that I replaced my Hobby motorhome’s original (useless) manually-operated slide-out Omni-Step in 2006 with an electrically-operated one and the latter’s design had detail differences from Brian’s description. So, if the Omni-Step or Thule instructions turn out to be impracticable, it wouldn’t greatly surprise me.)

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We had exactly this happen on an 04 Autocruise Starfire. I can't remember the precise details and we have sold the vehicle but all we had to do was disconnect the operating links on the side, push it up and secure with cable ties. Swift used to put manuals on the Swift Talk website and you may find it on there.
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I have one of the most recent steps, it has a R clip which you remove from the motor spindle and it allows

you to fold the step in, but I would recommend disabling the electrics first incase it decides to work again. I can't see it as a big deal to drive with the step out in the short term until it can be fixed (I am sure someone will point out why you should not do this).





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About two years ago, the slide out step on our 2006 IH Tio R, started giving false indications that it had not retracted. The wiring, relay, and power supply checked OK. That left the step itself to be investigated. As the limit switch operates the auto retract relay in parallel with the warning light, I was concerned about the motor stalling, and overheating.


I had previously printed out Brian Kirby's post in thread linked to above, but only got as far as trying to lift out the bushes. (Sorry Brian.) While the bushes where loose, I could not get any purchase on them. Tapered wooden and plastic plugs were tapped into the bushes, but to no avail. There seemed to be a wear ridge on the bushes which prevented removal. Or was I missing something??


Having traced the fault to a loose operating arm on the gearbox, I eventually settled for complete removal of the step, and partial dismantling to access the arm securing screw at the gearbox end. Some threadlock and a retightening of the loose screw , solved the problem.


This brings me back to rooster63's original question. I have seriously considered fitting a weatherproof 4 way connector in the wiring at the rear of the step, so as to facilitate complete removal of the step in an emergency, or as an aid to servicing.

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Not really of any help but if you need to change a step see if you can find a Project 2000 one. The unit is chain driven with the motor going forward and backwards through a gearbox BUT they have left a square drive sticking out of the bottom so you can put a spanner on and wind the motor by hand. Very strong step I managed to catch mine on a grass bank and filled it with soil and other debris. Took it off and cleaned it all out. Greased the chain and back in business again :D .. Now you know how I found the square drive.
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Graham and Marksrv6


Your postings suggest that you both have 'fold-out’ Omni-Steps, rather than the ‘slide-out’ type.


The extend/retract mechansim of fold-out steps is normally fairly accessible and, consequently, if the step refuses to retract it should be relatively straightforward to manoeuvre it back into its retracted position.


As should be apparent from the earlier comments, the extend/retract mechanism of a slide-out Omni-Step is less visible (being hidden inside the step’s ‘cassette’) and it’s much less obvious what to do when a slide-out step won’t retract.


I recall driving through the narrow streets of a busy French town behind a French-registered motorhome with its slide-out step extended like a scythe-blade on Boadicea’s chariot and overlapping the pavement . It was a miracle that the step did not hit anybody or anything.


The motorhome stopped outside the town, with step still sticking out. I also stopped, got out and warned the driver that the step was out. It transpired that the vehicle had been hired that day by a French family and the driver had no idea that the step was out. I asked if there was any visual/audible indication of the step being out and the driver said “I wondered what that little light on the dashboard was for.”


This link may be of interest



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I've had a similar problem, Omni/Thule slide-out step. Assumed it was mechanically stuck due to crud, etc. Have removed from van and stripped down, so no mechanical load. [Thanks to Brian Kirby for his old post on disassembly] But: how do I remove the bushes holding the operating arms (bolts removed: note these will not come out if step is fully retracted)?


Have 12V on motor feed when operating switch, reversing polarity to extend retract. When step connected, all I get is a lttle jump when operating the switch but no movement. Possible the alarm/limit switch is faulty? How do I test it? Any other suggestions?

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